Friday, June 1, 2018


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants
1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”

The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum. – all of the above.

HIKEOTHELLO TUNNELS (HOPE) The tunnels will be open again for the season and give us an opportunity to walk this historic area and look at this impressive river and marvel at what was once the Kettle Valley Railway. There will be two options. One will be to just walk the old railway line thru the tunnels return, stopping for a picnic lunch. The other will be to take the longer route over the Hope Nicola trail (7km round trip 350m elevation gain) and join the others for lunch. We can meet either at Tim Horton’s (Whatcom Road exit) Hwy 1 Abbotsford to carpool to the Blue Moose in Hope for coffee or if you prefer to can go directly to the Blue Moose earlier and enjoy breakfast. Phone for meeting time.LEADERS: DOUG & SANDRA FARENHOLTZ 1-604-855-3310

CYCLEPOINTROBERTS Easy bike ride around the perimeter roads of Point Roberts approx 25k.Bring passport and a picnic lunch. Meet at Diefenbaker Park, 5579 First Street, Tsawwassen at 10:00 am. Call by Friday evening to confirm and for directions to Diefenbaker Park.Leader: David Parsk 604-929-1257

CYCLEPOCO TRAIL Meet at 10 am at Gillnetter Pub, Mary Hill Bypass at Pitt River Road. This very attractive 26 km loop circuit is mostly good quality unpaved flat trail, and includes Colony Farm, Coquitlam River, De Bouville Slough, and the Pitt River. Bring lunch and drink. No coffee shops. Ride ends at pub. Contact Al by Thursday night. Postponed if raining.
Leader: Al Payne 604-738-1637 or

SUNDAY JUNE 17 HIKE and SOCIALHORSESHOE BAY ART WALK – see Back by popular demand this walk through Horseshoe Bay will stimulate your mind and senses. Visit local potters, painters photographers and multimedia artists. Meet and park at the Gleneagles Community Centre, 6262 Marine Drive, at 11.00. a.m. A hike to Whyte Lake can be added at the end for those who want to get in more kilometres. Phone leaders: LEADERS: AILEEN STALKER & TONY KEEN 604-734-9391 

THURSDAY, JUNE 21 – MONDAY, JUNE 25Cyclingthe Lochside & Galloping Goose Trails Vancouver Island. Tsawwassen Ferry to Swartz Bay Terminal and cycle along the Lochside Trail and Galloping Goose approx 47k. Thursday & Friday nights @ Royal Roads University. Saturday we will ride to the end of the Galloping Goose trail to Victoria and stay 2 nights @ UVic.
Single Dorm rooms at both universities are approx $55. Double rooms $69.per night. Winery stop first day and Jazz Fest in Victoria.
If interested please let Patsy or Isla know ASAP. 
Leaders: Patsy @ 604-734-0162  or Isla 604-273-1487

SUNDAY JUNE 24HIKEPEERS CREEK (LOWER COQUIHALLA) This is the first (and easy) section of the Hudson Bay Company 1848 trail. This originally was a first nations trail used for hunting and trading. These days the heritage trail has been restored for hikers and backpackers from Hope through to Otter Lake (Tulameen). We will hike from Peers Creek to Manson’s camp return (12km). Come and experience some of BC’s history. Meet at Tim Horton’s (Whatcom road exit) Hwy1 Abbotsford. 9.00am. LEADERS: DOUG & Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310

SOCIAL  Bard On THE Beach –AS YOU LIKE IT- Matinee- 2 pm Set in the 1960s, this tribute to love and life is presented as a musical, with over 20 Beatles songs.Followed by Bard on the Barbie– a barbecue at Margaret and John’s house, 4014 West 29thAve. Book your own ticket at Bard on the Beach, 604-739-0559 ( We recommend doing this early as tickets sell out quickly for matinees. Pathfinders are welcome to come just for the social event at 5 pm. Let Ann know if you are coming, and what you will bring to share: BYOB plus sides or dessert, burgers and buns provided. Contact : Ann Reiner 604-448-9036

JULY 2018

MONDAY JULY 2(long weekend)

Cheakamus Canyon
This hike is an old favourite for any time of year. Easy hiking at a low level. Dramatic views of the Tantalus Range and Cheakamus as you walk along part of an old cattle route from Pemberton to Squamish. View the Cheakamus Canyon railway and with luck get a photograph of the rapids, train and canyon. Meet at St. David’s church at 8.30am.
Leader TBA

SATURDAY July 14th
BOUNDARY BAY AND THE SECRET GARDEN Meet at the new Boundary Bay Airport parking lot at 10.00 am. Take Ladner Trunk Road to 72nd Street and turn right. Left turn on Churchill Street and right on Athabaska Street. We will then cycle to Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen and beyond via the dyke. About 30 km round trip. Bring a picnic lunch to eat at the beach. Call by Thursday night to confirm.
Leader: Isla Steele

SUNDAY JULY 15HIKE  ST. MARK’S SUMMITFirst we hike the Howe Sound Crest Trail to a marvelous view over Howe Sound and the Islands. For an extra climb some may want to continue on up Unnecessary Mountain. Distance 11 km Elevation gain 460 mLeader:Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

CYCLE  AGASSIZ FARMS CYCLE An approx. 30km flat cycle through the rural areas visiting farms in Agassiz. This is a self-guided cycle tour and there is a registration cost of $10. Time is 9am-4pm (start and finish during these times). For more information see is just listed for your information should you want to go. 

This starts as the former Shannon falls Hike then extends on to the top of the Gondola where you can get a ride down for $10.00. about 4 hours of hiking with variable terrain and steady elevation gain. Or we may want to take the gondola to the top and do one of the hikes that leads off from the restaurant area. Meet at St. David’s Church at 8:30 for carpooling.
Leader Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

TRIATHALON Back by popular demand a walk/cycle followed by a BBQ at chez Farenholtz. You know the rules – drop your food of choice (your meat or fish for the BBQ) plus a dish to share and drink at our place and then head out to either walk or cycle in the Fraser Valley. On return there will be time to socialize before firing up the BBQ’s. 
WALKThere will be a walk starting from the Blue Heron Reserve, Chilliwack making a loop via dikes and shaded trails by the Vedder River.LEADER: DOUG FARENHOLTZ – 1-604-855-3310
CYCLEThe cycle will also start from the Blue Heron Reserve, Chilliwack and follow the Vedder River on the rotary trail up to the Vedder bridge which we will cross and return on the other side of the river with approx. 3km on the road and then back onto the trails and dikes. Distance approx. 25km and easy riding on trails and dikes. LEADER: SANDRA FARENHOLTZ- 1-604-855-3310
If you just wish to join us for the BBQ please do so – after 3pm HOSTS – DOUG & SANDRA FARENHOLTZ - 1-604-855-3310
Please confirm the week before that you are coming and what dish you will be bringing to share at the BBQ.
JAN FINCH 604-266-0158

HIKE DIAMOND HEAD (PAUL RIDGE OR ELFIN LAKES) A tried and true trip that is about 10km to Paul Ridge and 22m for the hardy to the Elfin Lakes and return. We will meet at the church at 8.00 to avoid the heat and also to allow time for those who wish to go the full distance. 

CYCLE  HARRISON - AGASSIZ Meet at 11 am at the intersection of Lillooet Avenue and Eagle Street, Harrison Hot Springs. Al will lead a 30 km slow paced ride through scenic countryside from Harrison Lake to Agassiz and return. All paved. One little hill. Featuring a cheese factory that also sells ice cream, a historic cemetery, and the Agassiz-Harrison Museum and Visitor Centre. Allow at least two hours driving time from Vancouver (about 130 km). Bring lunch and drink. Contact Al by Thursday night. Al will attempt to arrange car pooling. Remember to  reimburse driver for 4 hours (260 km). Postponed if raining.Leader: Al Payne 604 738 1637 or

A vigorous hike led by someone who has timed every step. This is important to allow for coffee and tea after arriving on the island, and pub time and/or an icecream before the departing late afternoon ferries. Great views over Howe Sound but don’t get lost on the way down. Distance 10 km and 500 m elevation gain. Phone leader for details of ferry and meeting place.
Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234
HIKE High Falls Creek (Squamish) 
This is Peter’s favourite hike so from time to time the trip planners let him lead it. (Jack Christie says this is a hike not to be missed so Peter feels affirmed in his star rating.) After a steep beginning, this scenic hike winds along High Falls Creek and has views of Tricouni, Cloudburst and Squamish River Valley on the way back down a logging road. Round Trip 12 km. Elevation gain 640 m. Allow 5 hours. Meet at Upper Levels St. David’s church at 8:30 am. Call by Friday night. Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234
SOCIAL. 6:00 - 9 pm meet at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Garden with Chinese Dinner to follow.
Right in the heart of Vancouver’s Chinatown, the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden and adjacent Sun Yat-Sen Park are the perfect urban oasis. The stunning Garden is an authentic representation of Ming Dynasty-era tradition and the first of its kind outside China. Be enchanted by the Garden's winding paths, rocks, plants, and beautiful vistas. In the park alongside the Garden, find peace and tranquility in the unique rock forms, water lily-covered pond, pagoda, and lush plants. Entry is free to the Sun Yat-Sen Park, but there is an admission fee to enter the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden. We may get lucky and have some live music. Following our visit, we will walk a short distance to have dinner at a recommended Chinese restaurant. Leader: Lori Miller,604-873-1436;

HIKE  BUNTZEN LAKE TO SASAMAT LAKE CROSSOVER Start from the south end of Buntzen Lake and circle Sasamat Lake. Many opportunities to cut short. Bring your swimsuit if it is warm. Elevation gain 300m.  11k. Time 5-6 hrs. 
Leader: TBA

Bike Central Park Circuit from Arbutus Corridor (32 Km) Meet at 10:00 am at 17th and Arbutus Greenway (park on 17theast of Greenway)
Arbutus Greenway to 37
th- Ridgeway to Naniamo St. - Ridgeway to 46th- 46thand 45thto Central Park - Around the lakes in Central Park - McKay Ave. through Metrotown - Sousse Ave. to Deer Lake Park - Optional ride through park
Gilmour Way Urban Trail to Central Valley Parkway. Lunch at Italian Cultural Centre - CVT to 10thAve. - 10thAve. to Arbutus Greenway - Arbutus Greenway to 17
Leader Ian Cumming : 
ianc@ece.ubc.caor 604-221-1114 Call by Thursday night to confirm