Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum. – all of the above.

Sunday May 29th  Deas Island

MARCH, 2016

SATURDAY MARCH 5 SOCIAL “Cats” matinee, 2.00pm, Jericho Theater E-mail Trudie before Sunday night, Feb. 28, to let her know that you want to come and she will order tickets at a cost of $35.00. Otherwise you can order your own ticket on line and meet us there, or do it the old fashion way and stand in line hoping they still have tickets. CATS -Lyrics by T.S. Eliot, Trevor Nunn and Richard Stilgoe, Director: Ryan Mooney. Currently enjoying a new life in London's West End and headed to Broadway once again Cats truly does prove that it is Now and Forever. Based on the poetry of T.S. Eliot, Cats tells the story of the annual gathering of Jellicle Cats, at which time one special cat is selected to ascend to the Heaviside layer. A true musical theatre phenomenon, Cats previously ran in London's West End for 21 years and Broadway for just over 18 year Leader:  Trudie Vanderburg at dynamicgardening@telus.net

SNOWSHOE  Monument 78 (Manning Park)
A fairly easy snowshoe that leads us through the woods with a couple of small hills and out into a long narrow valley with snowcapped mountains all around.. We can test our knowledge to see if we can recognize the many different animal tracks in the snow. Meet at Tim Horton’s at 8.30am (Whatcom Road exit on Highway 1) to carpool.
Leader:  Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310

SNOWSHOE  Logger’s Lake (Whistler area)
Please contact Peter regarding details of this easy trip in the Whistler area for time and meeting place.
Leader:  Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

SNOWSHOE Cabin Lake/Eagle Bluffs (Cypress Bowl)
Climb from Cypress Bowl to this bluff and enjoy familiar but still breathtaking views to Bowen Island, the Salish Sea and west to Vancouver Island. Time approx 4-5 hours. Contact leader for meeting place and time.
Leader: Sue Penfold  604-943-6822

SATURDAY MARCH 26 (N.B. This is a Saturday ride) CYCLE    Canada Line Bridge to Iona Beach This is an easy ride, approximately 25 km round trip.  Meet either at 10:00 am at the North end of the Canada Line Bridge (foot of Cambie in Vancouver) or at 10:20 at the South end of the Bridge (on River Road in Richmond).  The route follows along the North side of the Airport to Iona Beach Park where we will have lunch.  Call by Thursday evening to confirm. Leader: David Parsk 604-929-1257

SNOWSHOE  Mount Seymour
Contact leader for details of todays outing 
Leader:  Jan Finch  604-266-0158

APRIL, 2016

SNOWSHOE  Mount Zoa (Coquihalla area)
This trip has been requested by a couple of the Pathfinder’s and we have left it until hopefully the weather is a bit warmer and the days are longer. The elevation gain is 850m which means that we are in for some work burning off those calories and ready for lunch with views over the Coldwater valley or Falls Lake. Meet at Tim Horton’s at 8.30am (Whatcom Road exit on Highway 1) to carpool 
Leader:  Sandra Farenholtz  1-604-855-3310

WALK/HIKE  Lava Lake Loop (Whistler area)
Aileen & Tony will take you out and about in hope of finding some crystal clear lakes. Phone your leaders for more information on this trip and for time and meeting place.
Leaders:  Aileen Stalker & Tony Keen  604-734-9391

SUNDAY APRIL 10 CYCLE BIKE the Blossoms - Vancouver Bike the Blossoms is based on a 25 km bike-friendly loop around Vancouver streets that are known for having cherry blossom trees. The route is mostly flat with a hill on Ontario Street. Meet at 10:00 am in the 37th Avenue parking lot of VanDusen Gardens at the intersection of Oak and 37th. We will have lunch at a Commercial Drive restaurant. Call by Friday evening to confirm.
Leader: David Parsk 604-929-1257

FRIDAY APRIL 15 SOCIAL Dinner & Board Games Dinner at Tandoori Fusion, 2872 West Broadway  5-6.30  pm. This restaurant absolute great with huge orders, enough for another meal the next day. (The food at our general meeting was from there). Those who still have energy are going to join us at Drexol Games, 2880 West 4th Ave. Explore and play all sorts of different games at a $5.00 charge for a whole evening of fun. You can also do one and not the other. Leader: Trudie at Dynamicgardening@telus.net

HIKE  Norvan Falls (North Shore)
A lovely hike in the Lynn Headwaters Regional Park along well groomed park trails to Norvan Falls. Contact your leader for details of time and meeting place.
Leader:  Larry Burton  604-277-6951

WALK  Pitt Polder Loop (Pitt Lake)
a 12km walk with no elevation gain. Can be up to 4 hours but with opportunities to cut short if bad weather moves in. Lots of wildlife in and around the marshes.
Contact the leader for details of time and meeting place.
Leader:  Peter Phillips  604-732-4234

SUNDAY APRIL 24 CYCLE    Vancouver - West Side Circuit Meet at 10:00 am at Alma and Point Grey Road – there is one block of free parking on the North side of Point Grey Road west of Alma. Al will lead a 35 km slow-paced ride with a few hills (but OK to walk them!). All paved except Jericho Beach to Spanish Banks. We will cycle from Jericho Beach to UBC (coffee break) then via SW Marine Drive and the W 37th Avenue bike route to QE Park (bring your lunch). Down Yukon to False Creek then back to the start.  Contact Al by Friday evening to confirm and request a route map if you like. Cancelled if raining. Leader: Al Payne 604-738-1637 or alpayne@shaw.ca.

MAY, 2016

HIKE  Mount Gardner (Bowen Island)
We start this hike with a short ferry ride from Horseshoe Bay to Snug Cove and then perhaps a quick stop for a coffee before heading off to our destination of Mount Gardiner with its lovely views looking towards the Sunshine Coast. Elevation gain 719m. Contact leader for details of time and meeting place.
Leader:  Peter Phillips  604-732-4234

SUNDAY MAY 8 CYCLE Richmond Loop We’ll ride the Richmond dyke loop, with fish and chips in Steveston. Meet at Ann and Dick's, #2-6360 Lynas Lane at 10:00 am. Lots of parking on the street. Leaders: Ann and Dick Reiner 604-448-9036

HIKE  Lynn Peak (North Shore)
A moderately easy hike from the Lynn Headwaters Regional Park. Viewpoints to the east, south and west include those across the Seymour river to Seymour and the Elsay Mountains. Elevation gain 2500 ft. Phone leader for details of time and meeting place.
Leader:  Sue Penfold  604-943-6822

HIKE  UBC Research Demonstration Forest
Hike through rolling country and pass numerous lakes to a lookout destination for lunch. Descend through forest to the Alouette River to return to the beginning. Be prepared for wet feet - snow patches last for a long time. Distance 15.5km Elevation gain 610m Time 6 hours. Contact leaders for time and meeting place.
Leaders:  Aileen Stalker & Tony Keen  604-734-9391

FRIDAY MAY 20 (N.B. This is a Friday ride) CYCLE False Creek/Stanley Park Let’s beat the crowds by cycling this popular route on a weekday. Meet in front of the Planetarium at 10:00 am. Park in the pay parking or for free on the residential streets, but watch for restrictions. Bring lunch. Call by Thursday evening if you plan to join us. Leader: Maggie Doughty 604-922-7699 or mdoughty@uniserve.com

HIKE  (Long week end) Jug Island and Admiralty Point Trail
These two trails are in the Belcarra Regional Park. Jug Island trail is an inland northward trail while Admiralty Point goes along Indian Arm by the water. Distance 5.5km round trip. Minimal elevation gain. Meet at the picnic area of Belcarra park. Phone for time
Leader:  Larry Burton  604-277-6951

SOCIAL Annual Club Picnic Deas Island Park – We can exercise in the morning and eat and socialize in the afternoon. This year we thought that we would do a potluck, with everyone contributing to the buffet. Let us know if you are coming and to let us know what you will bring: Contact: Alan Toon 604 -263 -6268

WALK  Club Picnic at Deas Island Park
Sue Penfold will lead the walkers around Deas Island Park before joining the rest of the gang to enjoy the club’s annual picnic. Meet at 10.am
Leader:  Sue Penfold  604-943-6822

CYCLE Club Picnic at Deas Island Park Meet at the picnic site at 10:00 am for an easy ride on paved roads and dykes, returning to the Park for lunch. Contact leader by Friday if you will be cycling.

Leader:  Sharon Annesley  604-214-9461