Friday, December 2, 2016


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum. – all of the above.

St Mary's Church Boardroom.  560 West 14th.  1100-1500
Ideas for speakers and catering are needed.
Call me.  604 263 6268


Lunch will be eaten at the high point along the trail if weather co-operates. Bring good boots and poles – the trail may be wet. The walk/hike (7 km if we take in all the viewpoints) will end at the Christmas event (1:00 to 4:00) in the old lodge where a fire will be burning and Santa will take your wish list. Meet at the parking lot close to the lake at 10:00.Leaders: Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391

THURSDAY DECEMBER 8 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 11.00 am, St. Mary’s Catholic Centre, 3150 Ash St. Phone to confirmContact : Alan Toon 604-263-6268

A low level hike of leaders choice or last minute change to a snowshoeing adventure if there is lots of snow. Call leaders to find out the mystery destination and meeting time and place.
Leaders: Ann and Dick Reiner 604-448-9036

This is a short steep climb up to Cabin Lake and on to Black Mountain (4 km) where we have the option to continue out to Eagle Bluffs (8 km round trip) or enjoy the views, have lunch and come back to the parking lot. This will be a snowshoe trip if there is enough snow. Meet at the downhill ski parking lot at 9:30. Back country tags available at the old day lodge.Distance 4.2 km round trip from backcountry entry gate to Black Mountain south peak via Cabin Lake, 500 m round trip side-trip to Yew Lake Lookout (Black Mountain north peak), 5.6 km round trip Black Mountain via Cabin Lake with loop return via Sam and Theagill LakesTime: 3 ½ - 4 hours round trip Black Mountain loop via Cabin Lake and return via Sam and Theagill LakesLeader: Jan Finch 604-266-0158

An easy to get to, fairly short trail for those recovering from the turkey and trifle indulgences. There is aninitial elevation gain to the lookout – then rolling or flat terrain on the Howe Sound part. Distance 5.3 km suitable for everyone.Leaders: Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391

SATURDAY DECEMBER 31 SOCIAL NEW YEARS EVE PARTY Time – anytime after 8.00pm Place - West Point Grey Legion, # 142, 3679 West Broadway (same place as last year) Come out and see the New Year in with your Pathfinder friends, and bring a guest (guests) if you wish. The name of the band is, Groove Therapy and they play swinging groovy jazz and some good old fashioned dance music. Cost: $15 at the door or $10 if you buy in advance. Snacks throughout the evening and bubbly served at midnight DINNER OPTION: POT LUCK of Appetizers at someone’s place 6 - 8 pm before we leave for the legion. Volunteers? 

Contact Lori Miller 604-873-1436


SNOWSHOE DOG MOUNTAIN ON MOUNT SEYMOURThis trail will have lots of people beginning their New Year’s resolution of doing more exercise. So it will mean an early start to be able to park anywhere near the lodge. Meet at the cafeteria at no later than 8:30Leaders: Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391

SNOWSHOE CAMBIE CREEK LOOP MANNING PARKA 5.4 km loop with little elevation gain and all new bridges in this year. Go around it twice (or add on the 2.5 loop) to make a good distance. Anyone can do these trails. There may be some people who are coming to Manning for Sunday only - check with leaders re rides.
Leaders: Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 604-855-3310

MONDAY JANUARY 9 SKIING or SNOWSHOEING for those who stay over at Manning Park Lodge. Each person is responsible for booking their own accommodation for Sunday evening. We will decide about potluck supper or dinner in the lodge. Happy hour in Doug and Sandra’s “suite.” Everyone bring some appies to share. 

Leaders: Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 604-855-3310

SNOWSHOE CAL-CHEAK RECREATION SITE TO BRANDYWINE FALLSWe'll leave St. David's Church in West Vancouver at 8.30am and carpool from there to MacGuire to leave one car and another at Cal-cheak Recreation Site. This is an interesting trip along the Cheakamus River, up and over the ridge and down to Brandywine Falls. Distance 6 km one wayLeader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

SKI OR SNOWSHOE AT OLYMPIC PARK/CALLAHANSenior rate mid-week is $10.00Leader: Sabina Harpe 604-737-4887

See description for December 26 – same trail, more snow.
Leader: Jan Finch 604-266-0158


FRIDAY JANUARY 27th  SOCIAL WACKY TACKY PARTY. 7:30 pm This is the most popular social event of the year, an evening of hilarity and mirth. Come and give those face muscles some exercise as you laugh the night away. Recycle those tacky gifts you’ve been hanging onto, or received last year, dress them up elaborately to tempt and/or deceive your fellow club members. Bring your own beverage and some nibblies to share. Phone early, space is limited. Hostess Larry and Carolyn Graves 604-263-6430

Join the Whiskey Jacks for lunch after a fast sprint to the top of Hollyburn and its 360 degree views. Those who want to eliminate the slog up the last pitch on the backcountry trail, can have a very nice snowshoe on the well-used trail to the top of Ronstaad and return. Meet at 9:30 at the back country sign at the Nordic ski area. Distance 6.6 km Elevation gain 426mLeader: Sue Penfold 604-943-6822

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 5SNOWSHOE/SKI TRAIN WRECKA new snowshoe trail that previously might result in a $125.00 fine from CPR for crossing their tracks, has now been made accessible from Cheakamus Crossing. After following the Sea to Sky trail and snowshoeing through woods and crossing the new suspension bridge we will arrive at the 1950’s wreck of boxcars, now brightly painted with graffiti. Since this round trip is short we will return and continue on the Sea to Sky trail to complete the Cheakamus Crossing loop. Distance (we will GPS it for future books).
Leader : Aileen Stalker 604-734-9391

SUNDAY FEBRUARY 12SNOWSHOE MOUNT SEYMOUR FIRST PEAKEveryone knows the trail – a lot of up and even some up on the way back down. Go as far or as short as you want on this trail. Distance 7 km round trip to First Peak, add 1 km round trip to Second PeakLeader: Jan Finch 604-266-0158

TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14SKI OR SNOWSHOE at Manning and eat valentine chocolates. 2 for 1 ski rates on Tuesdays.Leader :TBA

FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17 SOCIAL INDIAN DINNER AT THE NEW INDIA. It’s time for a restaurant meal at this popular Indian buffet restaurant at 805 West Broadway (corner of Willow with good underground parking). This is an all you can eat buffet for $19.95, possibly less if group rates apply. Call your host so that tables can be reserved for us all. Host: Lori Miller

SNOWSHOE BLACK MOUNTAIN AND EAGLE BLUFFSThis is a short steep climb up to Black Mountain trail where we have the option to continue clockwise to Eagle Bluffs or some may choose to go to black Mountain to enjoy the views, have lunch and come back to the parking lot. Meet at the downhill ski parking lot at 9:30. Back country tags available at the old day lodge. See distances on Black Mountain loop description with a total of 8.6 round trip to Eagle BluffsLeader: Sue Penfold 604-943-6822



Snowshoe along the Whistler Interpretive Forest West Side Main logging road to get to the beginning of this familiar and scenic trail. Then it’s up a brief steep section to the lake for lunch. Continue with a wander on the trails with views to the north before descending through forests. Distance 5.1 km
Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234.         

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum. – all of the above.

St Mary's Church Boardroom.  560 West 14th.  1100-1500
Ideas for speakers and catering are needed.
Call me.  604 263 6268


HIKE High Falls Creek 
This is Peter’s favorite hike so he will be filled with enthusiasm to lead you on a steep beginning, leading to a scenic hike that winds along High Falls Creek and has views of Tricouni, Cloudburst and Squamish River Valley on the way back down a logging road. Round Trip 12 km. Allow 5 hours. Elevation gain 640 m. Meet at St. David’s at 8:30 to car-pool. Call by Friday evening.
Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

HIKE Whistler area hikes by consensus but for sure one day for the hikes on Blackcomb via the Peak to Peak
Leaders: Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 604.855.3310

HIKE St. Mark’s Mount  First we hike the Howe Sound Crest Trail to a marvelous view over Howe Sound and the Islands. For an extra climb some may want to continue on up Unnecessary Mountain. Distance 11 km Elevation gain 460 m Meet at Downhill Ski parking lot at 9:30 Call by Friday evening.
Leader: Jan Finch 604-266-0158

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 11 CYCLE    Vancouver/North Vancouver Loop – Two Bridges and a Boat  This is an approximately 30 km ride with some minor hills.  Meet at 10:00 am on the north side of Point Grey Road west of Alma. Ian will lead us over the Burrard Bridge, through Stanley Park and over the Lions Gate Bridge to North Vancouver. From there we will join the Spirit Trail heading east. Our first stop will be Black Kettle Brewing for a beer tasting. Next stop, historic St. Paul’s Indian Church. Then on to Lonsdale Quay for lunch at one of the many restaurants there. We’ll then take the SeaBus back to Vancouver, head down Hornby Street, over the Burrard Bridge and back to our starting point.  Alternate meeting points can be arranged with the leader. Ride back can be shortened by taking the #44 UBC bus from Waterfront Station. Contact Ian by email to confirm. 
Leader: Ian Cumming

HIKE Hollyburn Mountain.  Try this local hike and enjoy the fall colors. Then try it again on snowshoes. Elevation gain 430 m. Round trip 8 km.   Meet at the cross country ticket office at 10 am.  Call by Friday evening.
Leader: Sue Penfold 604 943 6822

HIKE Mt Frosty, Larch Tree Meadow (Manning Park) 
The trail rises in a series of switchbacks for about 7km to the Larch forest in the meadows, just past the Frosty Creek Camp. If the weather is good, you may want to proceed further, maybe even to the top. The round trip to the larches is 14km; to the top about 22km. A hike to the top is 7-8 hours. Meet at Tim Hortons, Whatcom Road at 8.00am (a long drive and hike). Call by Friday evening. 
Leaders: Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 CYCLE Boundary Bay and the Secret Garden Meet at the new Boundary Bay Airport parking lot at 10.00 am. Take Ladner Trunk Road to 72nd Street and turn right.  Left turn on Churchill Street and right on Athabaska Street. We will then cycle to Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen and beyond via the dyke. About 30 km round trip. Bring a picnic lunch to eat at the beach.  Call by Friday night to confirm.Leader: Isla Steele 604-273-1487

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 25 SOCIAL Music at the Maritime Museum  Sea Shanties by the” Lazy Jacks Sea Shanties Crew” along with “Doug the Fiddler and Friend” will entertain from 1-2 on the Main Floor, with a Fiddle Jam session from 2-4 upstairs. Fascinating maritime exhibits are also available, as always. Join your Pathfinder friends for an early lunch, at a nearby restaurant, or meet at the Museum, 1905 Ogden Ave., at 12.45. 
Contact – Trudi Vanderburg,


HIKE Canyon Ridge, Mt. Baker. Meet at the ranger station. Round trip 6 miles (or less) elevation gain 1200 ft 
Leader: Sandra Farenholtz 604.855.3310 Call by Friday evening.

SATURDAY OCT 8 (October 8, 9, 10 Thanksgiving Weekend) NOTE the hike is on Saturday 
HIKE  Buntzen 
Lake Circuit Round and round the lake went the Pathfinders. Join Cliff on the trip around (perhaps he will go counter clockwise) A low level circuit with some demanding trails on the west side. Distance:10 km Elevation gain:75 m Time: 4 to 5 hours. Meet at Buntzen Lake Parking Lot at 10:00
Leader: Cliff Kelsey Call by Friday evening. 604-941-2957

SUNDAY OCTOBER 9 CYCLE     Vancouver – West Side Circuit (Clockwise Version) Meet at 10:00 am at Balaclava Park, corner of Balaclava and West 29th Avenue (washrooms and ample free street parking). Al will lead a 32 km slow-paced ride with a few short hill climbs. All paved except Spanish Banks to Jericho Beach. We will cycle to UBC (coffee break) then down the UBC hill to Kitsilano (bring your lunch). The ride will include the newly paved section of the Arbutus Corridor (former railway) between 16th and 33rd Aves. Contact Al by Friday night. Cancelled if raining.Leader: Al Payne 604-738-1637 or

HIKE Mount Fromme (North shore)
Fine views over the north shore mountains and Lynn Valley with a round trip of 15 km. Elevation gain 866 metres with a high point of 3842 metres. Time 5 hours. Meet at 9:30 with directions to beginning of trail available from leader. Call by Friday evening.
Leader: Jan Finch 604-266-0158

FRIDAY OCTOBER 21 SOCIAL Dinner and Flamenco Talk about multicultural!!! We’ll meet for dinner at 7.30 pm at “You & I Thai”, 3364 Cambie St. The food here is very tasty and if our group is large enough, we could request the private room with a set menu. Following dinner we will walk one block to Kino Cafe at 3456 Cambie St. for some awesome flamenco dancing. There is no cover charge but once a set is finished, the dancers will come around asking for a small donation.  Contact Lori Miller 604-873-1436

SUNDAY October 23 HIKE Skyline Divide, Mount Baker Round trip is 6 miles and the elevation gain is 1700 feet. Most of you know this hike well and if you don’t then it is time to check it out again. Meet at the Ranger Station in Glacier at 9.00. Remember to bring your passports and medical insurance.
Leader: Rick Krouskop 1-360-305-9928

SUNDAY OCTOBER 23 CYCLE POCO Trail The POCO Trail is an approximately 30 km ride following unpaved trails along the Pitt River, Hyde Creek and the Coquitlam River.  October should be a particularly good time for salmon viewing. Meet at Colony Farm parking lot which is accessed from Highway 7.  Bring lunch.  Contact your leader by Friday evening for starting time. 
Leader: Cliff Kelsey 604-941-2957

WALK Surrey Bend Regional Park & Barnston Island  NEW
This will be a walk in the new Surrey Bend Regional Park (17775 - 104 Avenue, Surrey) First we can explore the park and then there is a connecting trail to the ferry over to Barnston Island where we can walk out to Robert Point Rest area for lunch. After the choice will be either to return the way we came or continue further around Barnston Island. Suitable for all level of people who can put one foot in front of the other. Meet at 9.30 in the parking area  Call by Friday evening.
Leaders: Doug & Sandra Farenholtz 1.604.855.3310.

HIKE Four Lakes Loop
Hike to Lost Lake on Hollyburn, passing other small lakes and seeing the terrain without snow. Meet at cross country ticket office at 10 am. Elevation gain 290m, but trail goes down as well. Round trip 7.6 km. 
Leader: Sue Penfold 604- 943- 6822 Call by Friday evening.

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 11 SOCIAL Slide Show - Travels in Northern France. Join the Reiners on the path less travelled –Normandy, Brittany and on to Paris. BYOB and nibblies. Phone early as attendance is limited by space.
Contact: Ann and Dick Reiner 604-448-9036

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 13 (Remembrance Day Friday November 11)   NO LEADER NO HIKE – though you can still volunteer and let Alan know to send it as an email)

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 20, Hike Alice Lake Park – Four Lakes Trail 
We start at Alice Lake and soon after begin the ascent of Debeck Hill (300 m.) with good views from the top. Descending the hill we begin to work our way around counterclockwise to Edith, Fawn and Stump lakes. Total distance is 12 km. Meet at St. David’s Church (Taylor Way) 9.00am. Call by Friday evening. 
Leaders: Ann and Dick Reiner (604) 448-9036.

WALK Campbell River Park  An easy walk through alders and birches and around the marsh of the little Campbell River. Birds, horses and wild life to be viewed. Distance: 11 km. Elevation gain minimal Time: 3 hours Meet at 10:00 in the parking lot off 16th Avenue between 200 and 208th Streets in Langley. Call by Friday evening. 
Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

SUNDAY DECEMBER 4 WALK Minnekehada Christmas walk -  
Aileen and Tony. Call 604-734-9391 by Friday evening.

THURSDAY  DECEMBER 8 - Annual General meeting.

Thursday, June 2, 2016


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum. – all of the above.

JUNE 2016

Advance Announcement SOCIAL A walk around Van Dusen Gardens with a garden volunteer. Bring all your garden questions and enjoy a morning walk through the park, coffee at the restaurant. We need a nice sunny day, so start writing down your questions and keep them in a safe place so you have them ready. Let know if you are interested. Leader Trudie Vanderburg

HIKE Othello Tunnels and Hope Nicola Loop
8 km not much elevation gain. Approximately 4 hours. Pioneers used this route to transport supplies between the Interior and the Coast. Great views overlook the Coquihalla River, crashing waterfalls and historic railway tunnels. If meeting at the tunnels, turn onto Tunnels Rd. and park in lot. The trail loops back to Tunnels Rd. Meet at Whatcom Tim’s at 9:00.
Leaders Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 604-855-3310

SUNDAY June 12
HIKE Sea to Sky Gondola
This starts as the former Shannon falls Hike then extends on to the top of the Gondola where you can get a ride down for $10.00. about 4 hours of hiking with variable terrain and steady elevation gain. Or we may want to take the gondola to the top and do one of the hikes that leads off from the restaurant area. Meet at St. David’s Church at 8:30 for carpooling.
Leader Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

SUNDAY JUNE 12 CYCLE Boundary Bay and the Secret Garden
Meet at the new Boundary Bay Airport parking lot at 10.00 am. Take Ladner Trunk Road to 72nd Street and turn right.  Left turn on Churchill Street and right on Athabaska Street.
We will then cycle to Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen and beyond via the dyke. About 30 km round trip. Bring a picnic lunch to eat at the beach.  Call by Friday night to confirm.Leader: Isla Steele 604-273-1487

HIKE Deep Cove to Lynn Canyon – cars at either end
Start the trail in picturesque Deep Cove and walk approximately 12 km and 5 hours with moderate elevation gain through the woods to Lynn Canyon. Meet at 9:30 in Deep Cove at the waterfront park (at least two cars will need to go to Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre to be left there for the return.)
Leader Jan Finch 604- 506-0158

SATURDAY JUNE 25 SOCIAL Bard On THE Beach – Merry Wives of Windsor, Matinee- 2 pm Followed by Bard on the Barbie – a barbecue in a fellow member’s backyard, location to be determined. Book your own ticket for this fun-filled romp at Bard on the Beach, 604-739-0559 ( We recommend doing this early as there are few matinees for this play, Members are welcome to come just for the social event at 5 pm. Let Ann know if you are coming, and what you will bring to share. 
Contact : Ann Reiner 604-448-9036

SUNDAY JUNE 26 CYCLE     Richmond including Terra Nova, Garry Point and the Crabapple Ridge Route. Meet at 10:00 am in the parking lot at the Minoru Track on Granville Avenue in Richmond.  We will explore this well marked Richmond Bike Trail through quiet residential streets to Steveston.  Bring lunch and water for a break at Britannia Shipyards Park.    40 kms approx. round trip. 
Leader:  Isla Steele   604-273-1487

WALK Horseshoe Bay Art Studios to Eagle Harbour Loop
This will be the Horseshoe Bay Art Walk's 6th year promoting local established and emerging artists who will exhibit their paintings, ceramics, mixed media, textiles and photography in their homes and various other locations within the Horseshoe Bay community. Open 11:00 to 4:00. Free and open to the public, visitors and the community are invited to experience art made easily accessible via a free shuttle bus provided by the Gleneagles Community Centre.
Come by bus or Park at the Lions Club Parking area at 10:00 to meet at(TBA?) for coffee and be at the first studio at 11:00 Bring a lunch. 
 Leaders Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391

JULY 2016
Note – Cliff has written to say that he will let members know of some paddling day trips in July and August when he is confident that weather conditions would be suitable for even beginner paddlers. 
Contact : Cliff Kelsey 604-941-2957
HIKE Garibaldi Lake
A long steady upward elevation gain on an even trail will result in views of pristine Garibaldi Lake and the surrounding mountains and glaciers. It is always worth the hike at any time of year. Elevation gain 610 metres Distance 18 km round trip Time 6 hours
Leader Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

SUNDAY JULY 10 CYCLE Point Roberts Easy bike ride around the perimeter roads of Point Roberts.  Bring passport and a picnic lunch.  Meet at Diefenbaker Park, 5579 First Street, Tsawwassen at 10:00 am.  Call by Friday evening to confirm.. 
Leader:  David Parsk   604-929-1257

SATURDAY JULY 16 (Note: This is a Saturday ride) CYCLE Agassiz Farms Cycle Tour
This self-guided tour of local farms is about 25 km on flat public roadways in the Agassiz area. Time is flexible between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. Registration is in the parking lot of Agassiz Fitness/Activity Centre, 6660 Pioneer Avenue. For a small fee you will get a map and access to farms where you may buy produce and have it delivered to your car. Call David by Thursday July 14 if you are interested in meeting for this ride. 
Leader: David Parsk 604-929-1257

HIKE Cabin Lake and Eagle Bluffs
See how easy it is to climb the hill by the ski run without snowshoes! This is a favourite hike for a fantastic view of the lower Mainland and Mount Baker. About 8 km and 4 hours round trip. Meet at St. David’s at 9:00 for carpooling or 9:45 in the Cypress downhill ski parking lot.
Leader Sue Penfold 604-943-6822

HIKE Parkhurst Ghost Town Loop
After numerous attempts the Ghost town was found and we now can lead you to it and tell you some of its history. About 9 km loop trip, 4 ½ hours – generally easy terrain with some elevation gain. Meet at St. David’s at 8:30 for carpooling.
Leader Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391

SUNDAY JULY 24 CYCLE Pitt Polder/Pitt Lake A scenic ride along dikes and roads with a stop for lunch at Pitt Lake.  About 30 km and all flat, but rough in places. Meet at 10:00 am at the parking lot on Harris Road immediately south of the Alouette River Bridge. From Lougheed Highway turn left on Dewdney Trunk Road just east of Pitt River Bridge. Turn left again on Harris Road. Call by Friday night to confirm. 
Leader:  Maggie Doughty 604-922-7699

HIKE Cheakamus Canyon
This hike is now on SUNDAY. An old favourite for any time of year. Easy hiking at a low level. Dramatic views of the Tantalus Range and Cheakamus as you walk along part of an old cattle route from Pemberton to Squamish. View the Cheakamus Canyon railway and with luck get a photograph of the rapids, train and canyon. Meet at St. David’s church at 8.30am.
Leader Larry Burton 604- 277-6951

SUNDAY JULY 31 CYCLE Fort Langley This is an approximately 35 km cycle ride which is flat except for a couple of gentle hills. We will meet at Derby Reach Regional Park on the North (river) side of Allard Crescent at 10.00 am. Bring a picnic lunch for a stop by the river at Glen Valley Park. Contact leader by Friday if you plan to 
Leader: Sharon Annesley 778-294-9461


Advance Notice SOCIAL We will spend an afternoon and early evening at Spanish banks. Bring your beach umbrella, games and for the daring Members a swimming suit. Bring coolers with potluck food, chairs, tables as this is an old fashioned Beach Day. Leave your busy retirement and hang out with us. We will announce what day one week ahead as we do need a hot sunny day for this. Leader Trudie Vanderburg

SUNDAY August 7 WALK/ BIKE/BBQ SOCIAL Meet at 10 am at the home of Doug and Sandra in Abbotsford to drop off your food and beverage for the potluck barbecue, before heading off for a walk or bike ride on the Veddar River Rotary Trail Blue Heron Sanctuary. Bring your camera, there are lots of opportunities to take pictures of the birds. Bring your own meat or fish to grill plus a dish to share. Return in the afternoon for the social followed by an afternoon BBQ. Members are more than welcome to come just for the social and BBQ, starting at 2.30pm. Call hosts to confirm you participation and tell what you will bring. Hosts: Doug and Sandra Farenholtz 1 604- 855- 3310

HIKE Tricouni Meadows from the east
A shorter (and perhaps drier) hike to gain beautiful alpine meadows dotted by small tarns, and then to a wonderful alpine lake under Tricouni peak. A route to the ridge can be followed with panoramic views followed by a swim on the way back. About 8 km and 4 hours return. Meet at St. David’s at 8:30 for carpooling so get an early start and avoid hiking in the heat of the day.
Leaders Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 604-855-3310

HIKE Peers Creek Trail (lower Coquihalla)
A 10 minute drive from Hope on the Coquihalla Hwy is the start of the HBC 1849 heritage trail which continues for 72 km to the village of Tullameen. We will walk the first section which passes a waterfall with picnic table and then continue on to Manson’s camp which will be our lunch spot. Distance 12km round trip with an elevation gain of 620m. Meet at 8:30 at Whatcom Tim’s for carpooling.
Leaders Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 604-855-3310

Bike the Central Valley Greenway from Trout Lake to the east end of Burnaby Lake. Approximately 25 km return and mainly flat. Bring lunch to eat at the lake. Meet at 10:00 am in the parking area at the north-east corner of John Hendry Park just off Grandview Highway. Call Carole by Friday evening if more details are needed and to confirm you will be coming.
Leader: Carole Jacques 604-526-6966

SUNDAY AUGUST 28/29/30/31
HIKE or Bike Whistler Hikes On the 28th a Peak to Peak adventure. Those who wish can stay over at the Tyrol Lodge for a modest price of $40.00 per person per night for non-members. Sandra Doug, Tony and Aileen are members and can sponsor others. Individual self-catering can be done or we can arrange to organize and cook group meals. Hikes on 29/30/31 can be chosen from old favourites such as Rainbow Lake and Brandywine or Marriot Meadows or new challenges such as East Janes Lakes, Callahan Lake, Sproatt Meadows. The Valley of Dreams guided walk and the Audain Museum may appeal to some as well. Cyclists might like to join this group. There are pleasant cycling trails at Whistler and Pemberton. 
Contact Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-8553310 BY AUGUST 1st if you want to participate in the overnight(s) at the lodge. Contact Sandra by Friday August 26 if you are going on the Sunday hike.