Monday, November 30, 2015


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum. – all of the above.


Sunday, December 6 
Hike Minnekahada Carol time - We meet at 10am at the trail parking lot and walk the trails, have lunch and meet back at the lodge for their carol singing around the open log fire. Just right to set you up for the Christmas season. 
Leaders: Aileen and Tony 604- 734- 9391

Sunday, December 13 
Snowshoe or Hike Brohm Lake Interpetive Forest - Even if there is snow higher up, there is little chance of snow on this trail. With 100m of elevation gain and 7.5 to 9km of round trip this is an easy hike that most people can do. 
Leaders: Aileen and Tony 604 -734 -9391

Friday, December 18
Roast Beef Dinner at Billy Bishop Legion. 1407 Laburnum Street. The Legion puts on a good dinner at a modest price, $17. Then there will be carols. Dinner 6.00 – 7:30 pm. Carols to follow. You must call the coordinator right away so that seats can be booked.
Contact. Trudie Vanderburg (604) 263-4174

Sunday, December 20 
Snowshoe or Hike Hollyburn Mountain - We meet at the backcountry trailhead at 9.30am. This is steep to start and then evens out for a nice snowshoe/hike. Work up an appetite for Christmas. 
Leader: Sue Penfold 604- 943 -6822

Tuesday, December 29 
Snowshoe or Ski Callahan Valley, Whistler - We meet at St. David's Church in West Vancouver at 8.30am and carpool from there. The trails are superbly groomed and tracked and are ideal for all levels of competence. Trail fees to ski or snowshoe are $10 or less if we have ten or more people. 
Leader: Sandra Farenholtz 1 -604 -855- 3310

Sunday, December 31
NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY. Dance the old year away and swing in the New Year.
Time and Cost will be confirmed shortly. So far, we’ve contacted the West Point Grey Legion @ 3679 West Broadway. $10. 00 for the evening which includes a live band.
Contact. Trudie Vanderburg (604) 263-4174
Call Trudie immediately if you are interested in either the Roast Beef Dinner or the New Year’s Eve Party since we have to book space.


Sunday, January 3, 2016 
Snowshoe or Hike First Peak on Mount Seymour - We meet at the upper coffee shop at 9.00am and set out from there. If we have snow(!) we get to slide down the hills on our snow mats, if not, we walk back down. 
Leader: Larry Burton 604- 277- 6951

Sunday, January 10 
Snowshoe or Hike Portia Section of the Kettle Valley - We meet at Tim Horton's at the Whatcom Road exit on Highway 1 at 8.30am and carpool from there. This is a gentle trip along an old railroad. Very slight upgrade with super views later on. 
Leader: Sandra Farenholtz 1- 604- 855-3310

Sunday, January 17 
Snowshoe or Hike Parkhurst Ghost Town trail near Whistler - We meet at St. David's Church in West Vancouver at 8.30am and carpool from there. An easy romp through old growth forest, old clearcuts and some interesting views of Green Lake. We didn't find the Ghost Town last time, but this time will we find the elusive town? 
Spectral leaders: Aileen and Tony 604-734 -9391

Friday, January 22
Dinner at Tandoori Fusion, 2872 West Broadway 5 – 6:30 ($5.-$20 p.p.)
Games at DREXOLL GAMES, 2880 West 4th Ave. Explore and play all sorts of different games at no charge. In the future, you may want to purchase something for yourself or a gift for someone else.
Contact. Trudie Vanderburg (604) 263-4174

Sunday, January 24 
Snowshoe Monument 78, Manning Park - We meet at Tim Horton's at the Whatcom Road exit on Highway 1 at 8.30am and carpool from there. A pleasant walk through the woods with a couple of small hills and out into a long narrow valley with snowcapped mountains all round. 
Leader: Jim Pearson 604- 946- 5497


Tuesday, February 9 
Snowshoe or Ski Callahan Valley, Whistler - We meet at St. David's Church in West Vancouver at 8.30am and carpool from there. Superb grooming and tracking make for excellent skiing for all levels of competence. This is the place to learn or hone your skills. Tickets are $10 to ski or snowshoe and we get a discount if we are 10 or more people. 
Leaders: Aileen and Tony 604-734 -9391

Sunday, February 14 
Snowshoe Windy Joe, Manning - We meet at Tim Horton's at 8.30am at the Whatcom Road exit on Highway 1 and carpool from there. A series of switch backs takes us to the top in a most civilised manner. At the top we have lunch and admire the fantastic views from the old forest lookout. Leader: Sandra Farenholtz 1 -604- 855 3310

Friday, February 19
SOCIAL BOWLING WITH DINNER and/or SNACKS to follow. 6 – 8 pm at Old Orchard Lanes @ 4429 Kingswy $9.00 for 2 games including shoes.
Confirm with Lori Miller (604) 873-1436

Sunday, February 21 
Snowshoe Mount Zoa, Coquihalla - We meet at Tim Horton's at 8.30am at the Whatcom Road exit on Highway 1 and carpool from there. This is a 10km uphill climb for the very fit with an elevation gain of about 850m. 
Leader: Sandra Farenholtz 1- 604-855 3310

Sunday, February 28 
Snowshoe Cheakamus Lake trail, near Whistler - We meet at St. David' Church at 8.30am and carpool from there. A pleasant and not strenuous walk through replanted tracts with views of the river below and the hills in the distance. For those wanting a shorter distance, return partway by the suspension bridge on the other side of the river and with some very nice views. Leader: Jim Pearson 604 -946- 5497

Friday, September 4, 2015


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum. – all of the above.


 HIKE SEA TO SUMMIT TRAIL Note this hike is on Saturday to allow two consecutive days for adventures on the long weekend. Let’s check out the new route to the Sea to Sky Gondola, the trails at the top of the gondola and the viewing deck and restaurant for liquid refreshment, then ride down the gondola ($10.00.) We may want to have a swim in Brohm Lake before heading home. Meet at 8.30 am St. Davids’s Church for car pooling. Distance 7.5 km., elevation gain 918 m. Google for a map of the hike.
Leaders: Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391

 CYCLE DEAS ISLAND PARK TO REIFEL BIRD SANCTUARY Approx. 25km ride, largely on-road cycling with some easy off-road bits to Reifel Bird Sanctuary. A visit within the Bird Sanctuary is not planned, though on the same way return trip there may be a late season fruit stand. Driving directions: South on Hwy. 99 to exit 28. Take the left hand lane, River Road North. 2-3 kms on the left is the signposted Deas Island Regional Park entrance. Meet in the parking lot on the right near the washrooms at 10:00 am. Cancelled if raining. Call by Friday night to confirm. 
 Leader: John Brady 604-221-9793

 SOCIAL GULF OF GEORGIA CANNERY TOUR…$6.55 per person. Meet at the Cannery at 11.30 a.m. for our self guided tour and learn all about the fishing industry in Steveston. The Cannery is located at 12138 Fourth Avenue, Richmond BC. To get there by transit. take the Canada Line to Brighouse Stn. and then transfer to the #401, 402, 407 or 410 to Steveston Village. Following the tour we will go to Alegria Cafe for lunch in the back garden. Approx. $10. for delicious soup and healthy salad. 
Contact: Muriel Hemmes at,

 HIKE ANCIENT CEDARS (WHISTLER) SUMMER ROUTE This easy hike of about 8 km will take you to the peaceful grove of ancient giant trees on the slopes of Cougar Mountain. We will use the improved summer route and reach the trees after about 2+ hours of hiking. For those who are really energetic they can continue on using the new flagged trail to a hanging lake (an additional 3 hours hike round trip with numerous elevation gains and losses.) Meet at 8:30 am at St. David’s for car pooling. 
 Leaders: Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391

 HIKE FLATIRON MOUNTAIN (NEEDLE RIDGE) COQUIHALLA Rather than do this as a spring snow shoe trip lets go in the Fall and walk over to Flatiron Mountain. Maybe the little tarn en route will be warm enough for a quick dip (no promises). First a hike up thru the forest and then out into heather meadows with large slabs of granite and views of all the Coquihalla mountains. Elevation gain 890m. Meet at Tim Horton’s Whatcom Road, Abbotsford ready to leave at 8.30. 
Leaders: Doug & Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310

CENTRAL VALLEY GREENWAY- Trout Lake to Hume Park, return. Approx. 32 km. in length. Mainly flat and on pavement, some gravel. Meet at 10 am at Trout Lake, phone leader for details re meeting spot.Leader: Carole Jacques 604 526-6966

 HIKE YELLOW ASTER BUTTE , MOUNT BAKER. A terrific fall color hike (brilliant red blueberries) in the Baker area (100 Hikes in North Cascades National Park Region, 3rd. ed., Hike #9) called “The most beautiful spot in the entire Nooksack Crest". 2200 ft (670 m) elevation gain and 8mi/13km (RT) to end of trail well above tree line at 5800 ft with possible extension to top of Butte at 6145 ft (1770 m). Dramatic views of Mt. Baker, Shuksan, one way, and the Canadian Peaks the other. Meet Rick Krouskop at the Glacier Ranger Station at 9:00am. BRING PASSPORTS AND MEDICAL INSURANCE. Call by Friday night. 
Leader – Rick Krouskop 1- 360-603-4008

CYCLE     RICHMOND INCLUDING TERRA NOVA, GARRY POINT AND THE CRABAPPLE RIDGE ROUTE Meet at 10:00 am in the parking lot at the Minoru Track on Granville Avenue in Richmond.  We will explore this well marked Richmond Bike Trail through quiet residential streets to Steveston.  Bring lunch and water for a break at Britannia Shipyards Park.    40 kms approx. round trip. 
Leader:  Isla Steele   604-273-1487


 HIKE ELFIN LAKES GARIBALDI PROVINCIAL PARK A favourite Pathfinder hike with the promise of fall colours (bring your camera) and maybe some late huckleberries. Distance 22 Km. elevation gain 600m. A long day but worth the effort. Meet at St. David’s church for car-pooling and be ready to leave by 8.00am 
Leaders: Doug & Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310

 HIKE GARIBALDI LAKE Note this hike is held on SATURDAY so that everyone is ready for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday or Monday. While the initial part is (to use the words that The Economist recently chose to describe Vancouver)”mind numbingly boring,” the reward is Taylor Meadows in autumn colours and Garibaldi Lake with distant glaciers. Distance 18km.,elevation gain 810m. Meet at St. David’s at 8:00 for carpooling. 
Leaders: Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391

 CYCLE LOWER SEYMOUR CONSERVATION RESERVE This cycle ride is 24 km round trip with some elevation gain. Bring your lunch. The route is paved, with a short section of unpaved trail. We’ll be taking the Seymour Valley Trailway to the River Fish Hatchery and a picnic spot beside the Seymour River. Possible sightings of deer, bear, cougar and other wildlife. Meet at the LSCR parking lot (Rice Lake Gate) at 10.00 am. By Car: Take Hwy 1 to North Vancouver and exit 22B North Lillooet Road to parking. Also accessible by public transit. Call by Friday evening to confirm. 
Leader: David Parsk 604-929-1257

MOVIE NIGHT AT THE PARK THEATRE followed by a Flamenco performance at the Kino Cafe. If the movie is not suitable, we will meet at The Billy Bishop Legion for Roast Beef Dinner ($15.00) followed by dancing. 
Contact: Trudie Vanderburg @ 604-263-4174 or

HIKE ALICE LAKE PARK – FOUR LAKES TRAIL We start at Alice Lake and soon after begin the ascent of Debeck Hill (300 m.) with good views from the top. Descending the hill we begin to work our way around counterclockwise to Edith, Fawn and Stump lakes. Total distance is 12 km. Meet at St. David’s Church (Taylor Way) 9.00am. Call by Friday evening. Leaders: Ann and Dick Reiner (604) 448-9036.

HIKE MOUNT SEYMOUR- SECOND PEAK We will climb to the ridge crest between first and second peaks, then ascend a gully to reach Second Peak, a splendid lunch spot. Or if energy is left, continue to Third Peak. This involves a steep down climb and then a scramble up rocks. Elevation gain 1100 feet. Round trip 8 km. Meet at the trail information board in the downhill ski parking area at 9.30 am.
Leader: Sue Penfold 604-943-6822

 CYCLE POCO TRAIL The Poco Trail is an approximately 30 km ride following unpaved trails along the Pitt River, Hyde Creek and the Coquitlam River.  October should be a particularly good time for salmon viewing. Meet at Colony Farm parking lot which is accessed from Highway 7.  Bring lunch.  Contact your leader by Friday evening for starting time. 
Leader: Cliff Kelsey 604-941-2957


 HIKE HAYWARD LAKE CIRCUIT Circle the lake, an easy low level hike. Distance 17km, elevation gain is minimal. Meet at the Powerhouse/Dam at 9:30 
Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

HIKE STAWAMUS CHIEF-SECOND AND THIRD PEAKS We will park at Shannon Falls and ascend steeply via trail and wooden steps till we reach the trail for Centre and North Peak, which is the highest of the three with views of Mount Garibaldi and the Tantalus Range. Round trip 11 km, elevation gain 1980 feet.
Meet at St David’s church at 8.30am.
Leader: Sue Penfold 604-943-6822

 HIKE LAVA LAKE LOOP (SQUAMISH) Take the trail less travelled from Brandywine Falls and circle past little forest tarns, walk on basalt paving stones and loop back using part of the Sea to Sky trail. About 8 km with very little elevation gain. 
Leaders: Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391

SOCIAL Sri Lanka Slide presentation at the Pilley’s with commentary on the history, wildlife and geography. Bring nibbles to share and your own refreshment. Coffee & Tea will be supplied. Limited to 22 so book early.
Contacts : Judith or Syd Pilley 604-255-6836.

 HIKE BUNTZEN LAKE TO SASAMAT RETURN Starting at Buntzen Lake we will head up to the ridge overlooking Buntzen lake and then down to the shore of Sasamat Lake where hopefully it might be a reasonable day to have our lunch on the beach before retracing our steps.
Meet in the north Buntzen Lake parking lot @ 09.30
Leaders: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

 HIKE CAMPBELL VALLEY PARK A gentle walk of about 9 km up hills and down into dales on gravel clad trails that is possible even if it rains. Meet in the parking lot off 16th Ave between 200th/208th Sts Langley @ 09.30.   Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum. – all of the above.

JUNE 2015
BRUNSWICK POINT This is an easy walk along the shore in Delta, up to 14 km. with no elevation gain. Bring cameras and binoculars to view the bird life. Call leaders for time and meeting place. 
Leaders : Dick and Ann Reiner 604-448-9036

POINT ROBERTS Easy bike ride around the perimeter roads of Point Roberts.  Bring passport and a picnic lunch.  Meet at Diefenbaker Park, 5579 First Street, Tsawwassen at 10:00 am.  Call by Friday evening to confirm. 
Leader:  David Parsk   604-929-1257

LAVA LAKE LOOP Starting and ending at Brandywine Falls we will walk over flat basalt rocks and past sparkling tarns to arrive at MacGuire forest service road. We will then return through the northern areas of Brandywine Falls park and enjoy the easy walking with some elevation variation (but not much) on the Sea to Sky path back to the Falls. About 8 km and 3 hours.
Leader: Trudy Vanderburg 604-263-4174

ORPHEUM TOUR Take a guided tour of Vancouver's historic Orpheum concert hall. See backstage and hidden places. Hear stories. Learn the Orpheum's surprising history. The tour starts at 11 am and is about 2 hours long. Cost is $10.00 donation per person, cash only. Afterwards we can walk to Nelson the Seagull Restaurant in Gastown for lunch. Book before June 12 as there is a limit of 20 persons. 
Leader : Muriel Hemmes e-mail
RICHMOND LOOP We’ll ride the Richmond dyke loop, around 35km.and for a change, picnic at London Farm. Meet at Ann and Dick's, #2-6360 Lynas Lane at 10:00 am. Lots of parking on the street. 
Leaders: Ann and Dick Reiner 604-448-9036

BROHM LAKE This pleasant walk of about 9 km wanders through deciduous and coniferous forests, up hill and down into the dales. Lunch is at a high spot looking over the Tantalus Range. Anyone for an early swim in the lake? Meet at St. David’s church at 9:00 for car-pooling. 
 Leaders: Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 604-855-3310

HOPE MOUNTAIN On this hike you will follow trails, logging roads, switchbacks, and ridge walks to reach the summit. You will be rewarded with views of the Fraser Valley, Hope townsite, and the Silver-Skagit Valley. Round trip 10 km. Elevation gain 800 m/2625 feet Time - allow 5 hours. Meet at Whatcom Road Tim Horton’s at 9:00 for car-pooling. 
 Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

JULY 2015
HIGH FALLS CREEK After a steep beginning, this scenic hike winds along High Falls Creek and has views of Tricouni, Cloudburst and Squamish River Valley on the way back down a logging road. Round Trip 12 km. Allow 5 hours Elevation gain 640 m. Meet at Squamish adventure centre at 9:00 or St. David’s church at 8:OO. 
Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

 VICTORIA AND GALLOPING GOOSE TRAIL We will meet at the Tsawwassen ferry terminal to catch the 9:00 am ferry and cycle to Victoria along the Lochside trail (33 km). Next day we will cycle part of the Galloping Goose trail to Sooke Potholes (40 km). If interested in the ride or you have other suggestions, please call Patsy before June 15.
Leader: Patsy McConville 604-734-0162 or email

 BARD ON THE BEACH – A COMEDY OF ERRORS, Matinee- 2 pm Followed by Bard on the Barbie – a barbecue in a fellow member’s backyard. Book your own ticket for this fun-filled romp at Bard on the Beach, 604-739-0559 ( We recommend doing this early as there are few matinees for this play . Let Ann know if you will bring an appetizer, salad or dessert. Meat and veggie burgers are provided. Members are welcome to come just for the social event at 6 pm. 
Contact : Ann Reiner 604-448-9036

MOUNT STRACHAN Views in all directions and possibly alpine flowers. Ascend and return by the Howe Sound Crest trail starting from the downhill ski parking lot at Cypress. Round trip approx. 10 km. Allow 5 hours, elevation gain 538 metres Meet at 9:30 at the downhill ski parking lot at Cypress . Leader: Sue Penfold 604-943-6822

 SOCIAL FOLK FESTIVAL This yearly event is a great happening and we don’t want to miss it. W
atch the new trends in hippy fashion, walk around between the stands of tie dye clothing, sniff a few odd smells and share your nibbles with other Pathfinders. Meet on the beach, look for the Canadian flag. You can hear the music but bring your binoculars to see what is happening. This event is totally free. 
Leader : Trudie Vanderburg 604 263 4174

 ST. MARK’S SUMMIT First we hike the Howe Sound Crest Trail to a marvelous view over Howe Sound and the Islands. For an extra climb some may want to continue on up Unnecessary Mountain. Distance 11 km Elevation gain 460 m. Meet at Cypress downhill ski parking lot at 9:30 
 Leader: Jan Finch

BOUNDARY BAY AND THE SECRET GARDEN Meet at the new Boundary Bay Airport parking lot at 10.00 am. Take Ladner Trunk Road to 72nd Street and turn right.  Left turn on Churchill Street and right on Athabaska Street. We will then cycle to Centennial Beach, Tsawwassen and beyond via the dyke. About 30 km round trip. Bring a picnic lunch to eat at the beach.  Call by Friday night to confirm.Leader: Isla Steele 604-273-1487

AGASSIZ FARMS CYCLE TOUR This self-guided tour of local farms is about 25 km on flat public roadways in the Agassiz area. Time is flexible between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm. Registration is in the parking lot of Agassiz Fitness/Activity Centre, 6660 Pioneer Avenue. The cost is $10 and includes a map and access to farms where you may buy produce and have it delivered to your car. Call David by Thursday July 23 if you are interested in meeting to do this tour. 
Leader: David Parsk 604-929-1257

 ASHLU RIVER VALLEY This trip goes into the Ashlu River Valley. A diversion on the way to Crooked Falls provides a view of spectacular falls. By continuing on you get to viewpoints looking out to the meeting of Ashlu and Squamish Rivers and Garibaldi Lake and Coastal Mountains. Round trip 9 km Elevation gain 825 m/2700 ft. Time allow 5 hours. Meet at 8:00 in Upper Levels Church Parking lot or 9:00 at Squamish Adventure Centre in North Squamish 
 Leader Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

 MOUNT FROMME Fine views over the North Shore mountains and Lynn Valley with a round trip of 15 km. Elevation gain 866 metres with a high point of 3842 metres. Time 5 hours Meet at 9:30 with directions to beginning of trail available from leader. 
 Leader: Sue Penfold 604-943-6822

 LINDSAY LAKE A moderately difficult (read steep for the first 1 ½ hours) hike on the east end of Buntzen Lake with lovely views over the lake once you make it to the top. A ridge walk to a series of small lakes and a choice of a loop return to the junction and down the same steep trail (but it is so easy going down!) Bring a swim suit – the lake should be warm enough for a swim. Elevation gain 1020 metres Distance 15 Km. Time 6 hours Meet at Buntzen Lake parking lot at 9:00 for a cool start. 
 Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

 FORT LANGLEY This is an approximately 35 km cycle ride which is flat except for a couple of gentle hills. We will meet at Derby Reach Regional Park on the North (river) side of Allard Crescent at 10.00 am. Bring a picnic lunch for a stop by the river at Glen Valley Park. Contact leader by Friday if you plan to attend. 
Leader: Sharon Annesley 604-214-9461

MOVIE AND FLAMENCO DANCING. We have a great movie ordered at the Park Theatre but will keep the title as a surprise. The movie starts around 7 pm, more details later, the address is 3440 Cambie Street. After the movie we will go to the Kino cafĂ© to enjoy the live music with students from the local Flamenco dance school. Address for the Kino cafe is 3456 Cambie. A great evening full of passion, music and dance. Have a nap and show the world we still can party. 
Leader : Trudie Vanderburg 604 263 4174

 CHEAKAMUS CANYON A roaring river, a lake and mountain views make this easy hike a perennial treat. Distance is 9km. with 200 m. elevation gain. Phone leader for times and meeting places.
Leader: Larry Burton 604-277 6951

AUGUST 17,18, 19, 20 Arrive Monday leave Friday
 DESTINATIONS AT MOUNT BAKER TBA Mount Baker Swiss Club Cabin – about $25.00 per person per night, group meals, 3 rooms with bunk beds the rest is open sleeping on mattresses, or tenting on the lawn. Sponsorship by Sandra and Doug or Aileen and Tony. We will need to know early who is interested in coming so the cabin can be booked.
Leaders: Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 604-855-3310

ILLAL MEADOWS COQUIHALLA This trip involves a long steady upward hike but has rewards of small tarns, alpine flowers, and incredible views. Much of the walk is along ridges to get to the meadow so if there is snow it should not delay us. Distance 10 kilometres round trip, elevation gain is 600 metres with a high point of 1870 metres Time 6 hours Meet at Whatcom for 8:00 departure to beat the noonday sun. 
 Leaders: Doug and Sandra Farenholtz 604-855-3310

PITT POLDER/PITT LAKE A scenic ride along dikes and roads with a stop for lunch at Pitt Lake.  About 30 km and all flat, but rough in places. Meet at 10:00 am at the parking lot on Harris Road immediately south of the Alouette River Bridge. From Lougheed Highway turn left on Dewdney Trunk Road just east of Pitt River Bridge. Turn left again on Harris Road. Call by Friday night to confirm. 
Leader:  Maggie Doughty 604-922-7699

This is probably a new hike for the Pathfinders but Doug & I have been there and recommend a wander into the meadows. We start with a hike up a steep overgrown road for approx. 2.5km before meeting up with the trail that meanders thru wonderful meadows and leads us to the lake beneath Tricouni Peak. This is quite a short hike and not to be mistaken for the Western side complete with large mud holes. 8km round trip. Elevation gain 360m. Meet at 8.30 St. David’s church for car pooling.
Leaders:  Doug & Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310