Sunday, August 31, 2014


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum. – all of the above.

    • SEPTEMBER 2014.

      HIKE HIGH FALLS (Squamish area). After a steep beginning, this scenic hike winds along High Falls Creek and has views of Cloudburst and Squamish River Valley on the way back down a logging road. Round trip 12 km. Allow 5 hours Elevation gain 640 m. Meet at 8:30am at St. David’s Church for car-pooling. Call by Friday evening. 
      Leader: Peter Phillips; 604-732-4234

       CYCLE EAST RICHMOND/NEW WESTMINSTER Meet at Richmond Nature Park at 10.00 am to cycle through the farm lands of East Richmond and the middle arm of the Fraser River. Bring a picnic lunch to eat on the banks of the North Fraser River. The distance is 25/30 kms, no elevation gain except over the highway. There is one busy section along Westminster Hwy and about 4.5 km of packed gravel.  Call by Friday if you plan to participate.                       
      Leader: Judith Pilley (604) 255-6836

       SQUAMISH GONDOLA  AND HIKE. This is a special Wednesday/Sunday combination. Cost for seniors is $29.95 for on line purchase; pay at the booth is $32.95. If we can get 15 people then we get a group rate, but this requires a single payment 48 hours in advance for the entire group. Meet at Porteau Cove picnic area at 8.30 am for a picnic breakfast. Maybe bacon, eggs and pancakes if you want to cook (cooks may want to get there about 8.15am to get things going). You are responsible for your own breakfast. We would plan to be at the Gondola by 10.00am. At the top, the hikes can be any length, from 2km to 10km. This is weather dependant. Contact the leader by Sunday evening for details and to organize car pools and dining arrangements.
      Leader: Alan Toon; 604-263-6268

      HIKE WEDGEMOUNT LAKE (Whistler). A hike which we have not done for a long time.This is the most northern of the accesses to Garibaldi Park and takes you to a spectacular lake fed by glaciers. The round trip is 14km, elevation gain is 1160m (16.6%); the high point is 1920m. Estimated time is 8hrs. Meet at St. Davids church at 8.00am. Call by Friday evening. 
      Leader: Tony Keen; 604-734-9391

       HIKE MT FROSTY, LARCH TREE MEADOW (Manning Park). The Pathfinders have not done this hike for a few years. A good fall hike. The trail rises in a series of switchbacks for about 7km to the Larch forest in the meadows, just past the Frosty Creek Camp. If the weather is good, you may want to proceed further, maybe even to the top. The round trip to the larches is 14km; to the top about 22km. A hike to the top is 7-8 hours. Meet at Tim Hortons, Whatcom Road at 8.00am (a long drive and hike). Call by Friday evening. 
      Leaders: Sandra and Doug Farenholtz, 604-855-3310.

      CYCLE Blaine to Semiamhoo Meet at Peace Arch Border at 9.30am. (Canadian side). Bring Passport, travel insurance and a lunch. Cycle along Peace Portal Drive into Blaine WA after clearing customs. Rick will meet us at Peace Portal/Marine Drive traffic circle (about 1/2km over the border. Mostly flat and paved, approx. 33kms. Lunch will be a picnic at Birch Bay State Park. Call by Friday for additional details and confirmationLeader: Rick Krouskop 1-360-603-4008 or email:

       SOCIAL Guided Nature/bird walk around the Hastings Park Sanctuary followed by lunch at the Moulin Rouge. The Sanctuary is a hidden gem in East Vancouver’ s Hastings Park. At least 150 bird species have been identified in this urban wilderness since it was restored in 1997. Meet at the west entrance to the sanctuary directly east of Pandora Street off of Renfrew St at 9:00am. We will be led by ornithologist Istvan Orosi. The tour will last approximately 2 hours. Bring your cameras and binoculars and a good appetite for lunch /brunch at the Moulin |Rouge where no dish is over $10 (a short distance from the Sanctuary on Hastings St.) 
       Contact: Judith Pilley for more details. 604 255 6836

       HIKE JOFFRE LAKES (Pemberton/Duffey Lake). An old favourite but not done by the Pathfinders for several years. The trail leads you up past three beautiful lakes to the wild terrain beneath the Matier Glacier. Round trip, 11km; elevation gain 350m; high point 1600m. Time 6-7 hours. Leave St. David’s church at 7.30 am. Call by Friday evening. 
      Leader: Aileen Stalker; 604-734-9391.

      OCTOBER 2014

      HIKE DAMFINO LAKES (Mt. Baker). The trail winds 1.5km through forest to Damfino Lakes. The scenery is particularly beautiful in the fall when blueberry bushes turn the slopes red. Distance 10km round trip; elevation gain 410m. Meet at the Glacier Ranger Station at 9.00am. Call by Friday evening. Bring passport and medical coverage. 
      Leader: Rick Krouskop, 360-305-9928 or

      SATURDAY OCTOBER 11 (N.B. This is a SATURDAY ride)
      CYCLE STRATHCONA AND CHINATOWN TO LAKEWOOD Meet at 10:00 am at 8th Avenue and Yukon Street in Vancouver. We will cycle via Science World through the streets of Chinatown, past heritage homes and several points of interest to Uprising Bakery. Bring your lunch or purchase from the bakery. Then continue along Lakewood before returning to our meeting place. Approx. 30kms. Contact leader by Friday if you plan to attend.Leader: Shirley McCall (604) 738-1989

       HIKE ELFIN LAKES (Diamond Head). For many, an old familiar hike to the Elfin Lakes with maybe lots of wonderful fall colors. Distance 22km round trip to Elfin Lakes. Elevation gain 760 meters to lakes. Time - 7 hours. Meet at St. David’s Church at 7.30am. Call by Friday Night. Leader: TBA

       HIKE PITT RIVER DYKES (Maple Ridge) Round trip, 9 miles; allow 4 hours. Start at Grant Narrows Park. Call by Friday evening. 
      Leader Cliff Kelsey; 604-941-2957 or new e-mail at .

       SOCIAL SLIDE SHOW 7:00pm THE HUNTER/HICKMAN AND PILLEY ADVENTURES IN VIETNAM AND CAMBODIA . Slide shows are always popular so book early to reserve a seat for this travel adventure along the coast of Vietnam, the Mekong River, Ankor Watt in Cambodia and motor biking around the north Vietnamese Highlands. Bring your own beverages, some nibbles, appetizers or deserts to share. Hosts: Margaret Hunter and John Hickman. 604 222 0779

      HIKE CHEAKAMUS CANYON (Squamish) This hike, a favourite is part of the Sea to Sky trail. Distance 9km return, elevation gain 200m, time 3 hours. Meet at St David’s church (Taylor Way) at 9.30am.
      Leader: Larry Burton 604-277-6951.

      CYCLE RICHMOND, CANADA LINE BRIDGE, FRASER FORESHORE. Meet at 10:00 am at Richmond Nature Park to ride over the Canada Line Bridge to Kent Avenue in Vancouver and on to Fraser Foreshore Park for lunch. Mainly low traffic roads except for one small section. Approximately 30 km. Bring lunch. Call by Friday evening if attending.
      Leader: Maggie Doughty (604) 922-7699

      NOVEMBER 2014

      HIKE WHISTLER FLANK TRAIL. This is a hike requiring cars at each end.
      The hike starts at Function Junction and ends at the start of the Rainbow
      Lake trailhead. It is gently undulating with a few up-hills sections, views of Whistler and
      Blackcomb and fall colours. Distance 9km, elevation gain minimal.
      Meet at St. David’s church at 8.30am.
      Leader; Tony Keen; 604-734-9391.

      SUNDAY NOVEMBER 9, HIKE BUNTZEN LAKE (Port Moody) This is a favourite hike for Larry. Meet in the last parking lot
       of Buntzen Lake at 10.00am. Call before Friday evening. 
      Leader: Larry Burton 604-277-6951.

       SOCIAL INDIAN DINNER AT THE NEW INDIA 7:00pm. Time for a restaurant meal at this popular Indian buffet restaurant at 805 West Broadway (corner of Willow with good underground parking). This is an all you can eat buffet for $16.95. Call your host so that a table can be reserved for us all. 
      Host: Judith Pilley 604 255 6836

      HIKE ALICE LAKE PARK – FOUR LAKES TRAIL We start at Alice Lake and soon after begin the ascent of Debeck Hill (300 m.) with good views from the top. Descending the hill we begin to work our way around counterclockwise to Edith, Fawn and Stump lakes. Total distance is 12 km. Meet at St. David’s Church (Taylor Way) 9.00am. Call by Friday evening.
      Leaders: Ann and Dick Reiner (604) 448-9036.

       HIKE EAGLE BLUFFS (Cypress) Climb from Cypress Bowl to this bluff and enjoy familiar but still breathtaking views to Bowen Island the Georgia Straight and to Vancouver Island. Round Trip 6 km. Time 4 -5 hours. Meet in Cypress Bowl Downhill Ski Parking Lot at 9:30am. Call by Friday evening. 
      Leader: Sue Abzinger 604-872-2429.

      ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING St Mary's Church Boardroom 560 West 14th Ave Vancouver. Time: 1130-1530. This year it will be a Pizza Pot Luck. The club will provide pizza, you will bring salad and desserts.
      The AGM will feature reports from the activity coordinators followed by election of officers. We need your input! If you want to get involved please call Jim Pearson, (604-946-5497) who is the one man nominations committee for next year's Executive. There will be a slide show by one of your fellow Pathfinders. Details will follow as they are finalized. It is important that you phone to confirm as early as possible.
      Contact : Alan Toon 604-263-6268

      HIKE CAMPBELL VALLEY PARK. (South Langley) The Shaggy Mane Trail makes a 14km loop around the park’s perimeter, with little elevation gain. Meet at the south parking lot on 8th Ave at 10.00am. Call by Friday evening. 
      Leader: Janet Finch 604-506-0158.