Friday, November 29, 2013


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum.all of the above.
     DECEMBER 2013
     HIKE MINNEKHADA REGIONAL PARK (PORT COQUITLAM) An easy early winter walk around the park which should take us about 2.5 hours depending on the trail we take followed by a visit to the lodge which will be open from 1 – 4pm for their Creative Cafe There should be food available (check later) or bring your own lunch. Meet at the park entrance at 10.00am Leaders: Doug & Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310
    SNOWSHOE DOG MOUNTAIN – (MT. SEYMOUR). This is the first snowshoe trip of the season and so we will make it an easy trip for all to enjoy. Round trip is approx 7 kms. If the weather is clear we will have great views overlooking the lower mainland. Please phone Cliff by Friday for time and meeting place.
    Leader: Cliff Kelsey 604-941-2957
    SOCIAL CASUAL BIRDING DYKE WALK 9.00AM-noon. This walk is run by the Regional Park ornithologist and will introduce you to shorebirds, waterfowl and raptors on the walk along the Delta dyke. Bring your binoculars and meet at Cambridge House at Boundary Bay Regional Park. This is a free event.  
    Call: 604 432 6359 for more information.

    SOCIAL CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME Let your hair down and enjoy some real Christmas spirit and British humour at the Metro theatre which is renowned for its Christmas pantomimes written and produced by Johnny Duncan. This year it is Jack and the Beanstalk. You’re welcome to bring your grandchildren or overaged children. The Pathfinders have a limited block booking of seats at $25 each which can be reserved by calling Judith Pilley. Procrastinators will have to order their own seats from the Metro Theatre and take pot luck! Members booking through Judith will meet at the
    Metro theatre at 6:45 pm 
    Coordiator: Judith Pilley 604 255 6836 
    SNOWSHOE BLACK MOUNTAIN, (CYPRESS BOWL). Another local favourite workout where we leave the downhill area and head up to Cabin Lake and maybe beyond. Meet at the downhill ski area. Call Larry by Friday night for time. Leader: Larry Burton 604-277-6951

    HIKE MILLENIUM TRAIL LADNER. Not enough snow, so let’s have an easy jaunt with 2 pubs on the route.
    This trail starts near Captain’s Cove Marina, goes under Hwy 99 and eventually gets to Deas Island, which we can
    circumnavigate, and then return the same way passing River House pub. Distance about 10km. Flat.
    Take the first exit on right after the tunnel to Ladner River Rd. Turn right on Ferry Rd and meet in the parking lot at
    the end at 10 am.
    Leader: Sue Penfold 604-943-6822

    You are invited to the
    Saturday, December 28, 2013
    2:30 – 5:30
    At St. James' Hall, 10thand Trutch, Vancouver.
    It’s Canby’s 80th Birthday Celebration
    Music for Dancing and Listening.
    Beer Wine and Light Refreshments.
    Your presence is your present.
    Please confirm to

     SNOWSHOE. DIAMOND HEAD Join us for a snowshoe up to Red Heather Meadows and perhaps up onto Paul Ridge. Meet at St. David’s Church to carpool up to the car park. Call by Friday for time. 
    Leader: Jim Pearson 604-946-5497

    SOCIAL NEW YEARS EVE POT LUCK 8:30pm- ? Bring in the New Year in style with your Pathfinder friends. This is a popular late dinner evening so call your host early to reserve your place and advise on your dinner contribution. 
    Contact : Barbara Downs. 604 738 2496

    JANUARY 2014

    SUNDAY JANUARY 5, 2014
    SKI/SNOWSHOE MANNING PARK This is the first ski/snowshoe trip of 2014. Take your pick of skiing on tracks for a modest cost or snowshoe on one of the trails in the park (to be decided depending on snow conditions). We carpool from Tim Horton’s Whatcom Road, Abbotsford at 8.30. Call the leaders by Friday to let them know you are coming.  
    Leaders: Doug & Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310

     SKI/SNOWSHOE CALLAGHAN VALLEY, WHISTLER. Midweek skiing at Callaghan is now $10 instead of $23, so we will move those trips to Tuesdays. Again your choice is to ski on the many cross country trails in the valley or to head off on the snowshoe trails. We leave from St. David’s Church at 8.30 so please phone the leaders by Sunday to let us know you will be joining us.
    Leaders: Doug & Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310

    SOCIAL WACKY TACKY PARTY. 7:30 pm This is the most popular social event of the year. Come and give those face muscles some exercise as you laugh the night away. Recycle those tacky gifts you’ve been hanging on to; BYOB and bring some nibbles to share. 
    Hosts: Carolyn and Larry Graves. 604 263 6430

    HIKE       LYNN PEAK
    Moderately easy hike from the Lynn Headwaters Regional Park.  Steady upward but not too steep.  Several viewpoints to the east, south, and west as you walk along. Views include those across the Seymour River to Seymour and Elsay mountains. Bring hiking poles and boots that are waterproofed.
    Distance:    7 km    Elevation gain: 700 m.  Time 4 hours
    Meet at 9:00 at the signboard at Lynn Headwaters Regional Park
    Leader: Tony Keen and Aileen Stalker 604-734-9391  by Friday evening please.

    SNOWSHOE FIRST PEAK (MT. SEYMOUR) Another chance to head up to the first peak of Mt. Seymour and try your hand (bum) skiing down the upper slopes (optional). Meet in the downhill ski parking lot. Phone by Friday to let Cliff know that you are coming and what time to meet.
    Leader: Cliff Kelsey 604-941-2957

    FEBRUARY 2014

    SNOWSHOE PORTIA SECTION KETTLE VALLEY (COQUIHALLA) This trip follows an easy grade up the old Kettle Valley railway. A trip back into history where you will pass the old station of Iago. Meet at Tim Horton’s, Whatcom Road , Abbotsford ready to leave by 8.30.  
    Leader: Jim Pearson 604-946-5497

    SNOWSHOE EAGLE RIDGE (BURKE MOUNTAIN) COQUITLAM Take a trip with Larry to discover some of the old roads and trails on the lower side of Burke Mountain. Please phone Larry by Friday to tell him that you will be joining him and find out more details as to time and meeting place. 
     Leader: Larry Burton 604-277-6951

     SKI/SNOWSHOE DAKOTA RIDGE (SUNSHINE COAST) Given the right snow conditions this is a lovely community run cross country ski area above Sechelt with fabulous views over the water. Meet at St. David’s Church to carpool. Phone Jim by Friday for time and more details. 
    Leader: Jim Pearson 604-946-5497
    SOCIAL CHINESE DINNER AT THE FLAMINGO. Warren, our host at the Flamingo, has yet again arranged a delicious 10 course meal for us in a private room at the Flamingo restaurant on Cambie. Cost is $22 a head including tips and taxes. Drinks extra. Call Judith by Wednesday February 19th so she can confirm numbers.
    Host : Judith Pilley 604 255 6836 
    SKI/SNOWSHOE CALLAGHAN VALLEY – (WHISTLER) As previously mentioned, midweek skiing is now only $10. So by request we are going back to the Callaghan Valley for another day of cross country skiing or snowshoeing. Meet at St. David’s Church. Phone Jim by Sunday for meeting time and let him know you will be joining him. 
    Leader: Jim Pearson 604-946-5497