Thursday, August 22, 2013


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Please note this rescheduled ride and change of day for:
SATURDAY AUGUST 31 CYCLE Strathcona and Chinatown to Lakewood Meeting place is 8th Avenue and Yukon Street at 10.00am. Approx 30kms.We will cycle via Science World through the streets of Chinatown, past heritage homes and several points of interest to The Uprising Bakery lunch stop. Bring your own lunch or purchase from the bakery. Then we continue along Lakewood Cycle Path and return to our meeting place. Please call Thursday evening for more details and to confirm. Leader: Shirley McCall 604- 738-1989


SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1 HIKE DEEP COVE TO LYNN CANYON - BADEN POWELL TRAIL. Easy hike, 5 hours, 12 km, 405 m gain. Between urbanity and the forests, we will see big firs and cedars. Meet at public parking lot off Panorama Drive at 9.30am. Need a car at each end. Because this is a long weekend we have planned a local hike to save driving in holiday traffic. The leader may decide to hike on Saturday the 31st if enough interest. Call by Friday night. Leader: Sue Penfold 604-943-6822

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8, HIKE HIGH FALLS (Squamish area). After a steep beginning, this scenic hike winds along High Falls Creek and has views of Cloudburst and Squamish River Valley on the way back down a logging road. Round trip 12 km. Allow 5 hours Elevation gain 640 m. Meet at 8:30am at St. David’s Church for car-pooling. Call by Friday night. Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

Between MONDAY SEPTEMBER 09/13 and THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12/13 There is an opportunity to enjoy a few days cycling on Vancouver Island from Victoria to the newly restored Kinsol Trestle. These dates are flexible and all enquires should be directed to the leader. Leader: Patsy McConville 604-734-0162

FRIDAY SEPT 13 SOCIAL BEACHSIDE PICNIC AND ACTIVITIES - Let’s enjoy the last of summer and hopefully an Indian one. Meet by the anchor at the West End of Spanish Bank at 4:00pm. Bring your beach games, bikes, cricket, Frisbees, croquet etc. together with your chairs, utensils, picnic and something to share. The energetic can walk or play games while those less energetic will guard the food and prepare the BBQ. We’ll eat around 6:00pm. Call to confirm your participation. If weather is not favorable we will delay by a week. Hosts: Judith and Syd Pilley 604 255 6836

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 15, HIKE BLACK MOUNTAIN TO EAGLE BLUFFS ( North Shore). Starting from the Cypress downhill ski parking lot we will climb our way up to Cabin Lake and then continue on to Eagle Bluffs where we will have wonderful views looking out over Howe Sound. Meet at St. David’s church at 9.30am. Call by Friday night. Leader: Trudie Vanderburg 604-263-4174

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 15 CYCLE False Creek and Stanley Park. Meet in front of the planetarium (Vanier Park) at 10:00 and cycle around False Creek and Stanley Park. Bring your lunch and we'll eat in the park. Return over Burrard Bridge to the planetarium. About 25 kilometres on bike routes and paths. Call by Friday for details and confirmation. Leaders: Margaret Hunter & John Hickman 604 222-0779 or <>

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 22, HIKE CHEAKAMUS CANYON. An old favourite for this time of year. Easyhiking at a low level. Dramatic views of the Tantalus Range and Cheakamus Canyon railway. Meet at St. David’s church at 8.30am. Call by Friday night. Leader: Larry Burton 604-277-6951.

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 29, HIKE PTARMIGAN RIDGE (Mount Baker) This hike takes us as close to Mt. Baker as you can get without being on it. The trail begins at Table mountain parking lot and heads along a ridge to the viewpoints. Distance about 14km, elevation gain 400m, highest point 1,800m, time about 6 hours. (Note: If Ptarmigan Ridge is not accessible then the hike will be to Yellow Aster Butte.) Meet at the Glacier Park Ranger Station at 9.00am. BRING PASSPORTS AND HEALTH INSURANCE. Call or email by Friday evening; Leader: Rick Krouskop, 1-360-305-9928 or

SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 29 CYCLE Deas Island Park to Riefel Bird Sanctuary Approx. 25km ride, largely on-road cycling with some easy off road bits to Riefel Bird Sanctuary. A visit within the Bird Sanctuary is not planned, though on the same way return trip there may be a late season fruit stand or whatever. Driving directions: South on Hwy. 99 to exit 28 take the left hand lane River Road North. 2-3 kms on the left is the signposted Deas Island Regional Park entrance. Meet in the parking lot on the right near the washrooms at 10.15am. Call by Friday night to confirm. Leader: John Brady (604) 221-9793


SUNDAY OCTOBER 6 HIKE ELFIN LAKES (Diamond Head). For many, an old familiar hike to the Elfin Lakes with maybe lots of wonderful fall colors. Distance 22km round trip to Elfin Lakes. Elevation gain 760 meters to lakes. Time - 7 hours. Meet at St. David’s Church at 7.30am. Call by Friday Night. Leader Tony Keen: 604-734-9391.

SATURDAY OCTOBER 12, HIKE ELK AND THURSTON MOUNTAINS. Alpine meadows, getting into fall colours, views of mountains and valley. Will try for Thurston, another 4km on from Elk Mountain. But potential for a rest at the lunch spot for those who want to take in the views, rather than continue on. Distance 16.5km, elevation gain 1030m. (Note: This is a long weekend, so the hike is planned for Saturday, if Pathfinders prefer Sunday let Sandra know.)Meet at Tim Horton’s Whatcom Road at 8.00am. Call by Friday night. Leader; Sandra Farenholtz : 604-855-3310.

FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 SOCIAL RUSSIA AND THE SILK ROAD SLIDE SHOW. Travel slide shows are always poplar with Pathfinders. Seating is limited so reserve your seat by calling early. This slide show recounts the Pilleys’ land and sea adventures through Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Siberia, Mongolia and China. Bring some finger foods to share. 7:00 pm arrival time, show time 7:45 sharp.. Hosts: Syd and Judith Pilley : 604 255 6836

SUNDAY OCTOBER 13 CYCLE Seymour Conservation Reserve Meet at the Lower S.C.R. parking lot - Rice Lake Gate - at 10.00am. This cycle is 24kms round trip with some elevation gain. Bring a sweater and your lunch. The route is paved with a short section of unpaved trail. We’ll be taking the Seymour Valley Trailway to the River Fish Hatcherry and a picnic spot beside the Seymour River. Possible sightings of deer, bear, cougar and other wildlife. Meet at the Lower S.C.R. parking lot - Rice Lake Gate - at 10.00am. By Car: Take Hwy 1 North Vancouver and exit 22B North Lillooet Road to parking. Also accessible by public transit. Call by Friday evening to confirm. Leader: David Parsk 604 929-5497

SUNDAY OCTOBER 20, HIKE SHANNON FALLS Moderate hike, 4 hours, 5 km return, 450 meter gain. This is short and steep with rewarding views over Howe Sound. Meet at St. David’s Church at 9.30am. Call by Friday night.
Leader: TBA.

HIKE WHISTLER FLANK TRAIL. This is a hike requiring cars at each end.
The hike starts at Function Junction and ends at the start of the Rainbow
Lake trailhead.It is gently undulating with a few up-hills sections, views of Whistler and
Blackcomb and fall colours. Distance 9km, elevation gain minimal.
Meet at St. David’s church at 8.30am.
Leaders: Tony Keen and Aileen Stalker 604-734-9391.

SUNDAY OCTOBER 27 CYCLE TBA Probably the last cycle of the season weather and leader dependant.

HIKE BROHM LAKE INTERPRETIVE FOREST. Rated as intermediate by Vancouver Trails, about 5 hours for 7.5km (depends on trails selected by the leader), only 100m elevation gain. Excellent views and lush forest trails.
Meet at St. David’s Church at 8:30am for car-pooling. Call by Friday night.
Leaders: Doug and Sandra Farenholtz 604-855-3310

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 10, HIKE BUNTZEN LAKE TO SASAMAT RETURN. A good low level hike for this time of year. Start from the south end of Buntzen Lake and circle Sasamat Lake. Distance 11km elevation gain 300m.Meet at the Buntzen Lake parking lot at 9.30am. Leader : Peter Phillips 604-732-4234
WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 20 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING St Mary's Church Boardroom 560 West 14th Ave Vancouver. Time: 1130-1530. There will be a catered lunch, in celebration of a club anniversary (34 years). As usual there will be an AGM, followed by election of officers, and a slide show. Details will follow as they are finalized. It is important that you phone to confirm as early as possible, in order for the caterers to be advised re numbers. Contact : Ann Reiner. 604-448-9036
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 24 HIKE PITT POLDER. Distance about 6km, no elevation gain, 2 to 3 hours. Meet at parking lot near Pitt Lake at 10.00am. Call by Friday night for instructions. Leaders: Dick and Ann Reiner 604-448-9036
FRIDAY NOVEMBER 29 SOCIAL GATHERING AND CHRISTMAS TABLE CREATIONS Join your host Trudie for this industrious social gathering where you can create a spectacular Christmas table decoration (depending on your artistic ability). We will meet at an appointed time to walk and gather cones, grasses etc for our creations, return to our host’s venue for an order of pizza followed by an evening of innovation. This will be a test for Pathfinders to be creative while doing what we do best, talking, eating and drinking. Call your host in good time to find out what materials you will need and let her know what additional nibbles you will be bringing. Space is limited so call early. Host: Trudie Vanderburg 604 263 4174

ADVANCED NOTICE – New Year’s Eve. There will be a gathering to ring in the New Year – Watch for details in the next Newsletter.

Pathfinders Drivers Guidelines - Club trips sometimes take us out in challenging conditions, or to places off the regular highways. This makes it mandatory that vehicles are properly equipped with emergency gear. In winter conditions, we recommend as a minimum.
  • a flashlight and batteries,
  • a shovel,
  • a tow rope/chain,
  • bag of sand (or some means of adding traction),
  • emergency blanket
  • first aid kit.
  • candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water
  • In summer, as a minimum.all of the above.