Thursday, May 30, 2013


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Safety Equipment.

Cars transporting passengers to snowy/icy destinations should have proper emergency equipment. This should include at a minimum, a flashlight and batteries, a shovel, a tow rope/chain, bag of sand (or some means of adding traction), emergency blanket and first aid kit. (There may be other things that could be added to this list or be optional including candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water etc).

JUNE 2013

HIKE OthelloTunnels,Hope- Take a walk back in time and explore the engineering marvel of the Othello Tunnels and enjoy a walk through the woods in the surrounding area. This is a wonderful round trip of approx 15 kms starting on the Kettle Valley trail outside of Hope. We then traverse over the historic Nicola Valley Trail descending to the Coquihalla river where given favourable conditions we can have lunch on the beach before going through the tunnels (bring flash lights) and then walk back along the Kettle Valley Trail to where we left our cars. 
Meet at Tim Hortons (Whatcom Road Ext Hwy 1) 9:00. Call by Friday night. 
 Leaders: Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310


Meet at 10 am at the home of Doug and Sandra in Abbotsford to drop off your food and beverage for the potluck barbecue before heading off for a cycle or hike.  Bring your own meat or fish to grill plus a dish to share. Return in the afternoon for the social followed by an afternoon BBQ.  Members are more than welcome to come just for the social and BBQ, starting at 3pm.  Call hosts to confirm your participation.
                                                                                                                         Hosts:  Doug and Sandra Farenholtz 1 604- 855- 3310
HIKE To be announced by Doug and Sandra. 

CYCLE- Sumas Prairie/Valley (Abbotsford)
This 40 m cycle goes from Upper Sumas School (corner of Whatcom & Vye Roads) to Yarrow, where we will eat our lunches in the park before returning to the starting point. We'll cycle over a prairie, once a 30,000 acre lake that was drained and dyked in the 1920,s to develop fertile farmland. Mountain views at every turn. After dropping off your food, meet at Upper Sumas School playing field at 10.15 am. Call both Farenholtzes and Graves by Friday evening for details and confirmation.

Leaders: Larry and Carolyn Graves 604-263-6430. (Cell phone) 604- 786-2917


HIKE Hozameen Lake Trail We are camping at the (USA) Ross Lake campground on Saturday night. The campground is on the US side of the border. There is free firewood, very few people and clean toilet! Set up camp and then do an easy hike on the Hozameen Trail into Hozameen Lake which is a very pretty lake, there is not much elevation gain. Several kayaks may be available for an evening lake paddle on Ross Lake.

HIKE The Skagit River Trail winds along the river for as long as we want to go before returning the same route. With any luck we may see some of the wild Rhododendrons in bloom. Meet at the Ross Lake campground around 10:00 Sunday . Let leaders know whether you plan to join the group Saturday morning or Sunday morning for a 10:00 start from the campground.
Leaders: Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310

CYCLE- Blaine to Semiamhoo.
Meet at Peace Arch Border at 10am. (Canadian side) Bring Passport, travel insurance and a lunch. Cycle along along Peace Portal Drive into Blaine WA after clearing customs
Rick will meet other us and other cyclists at Peace Portal/Marine Drive traffic circle(about 1/2km over the border. Mostly flat and paved approx. 33kms. Ending at Semiamhoo Spit Park and taking the Plover ferry back to Blaine.Cost of ferry $1-2.00 donation. Call by Friday for additional details and confirmation
Leader: Rick Krouskop 1-360-603-4008 or email:


HIKE West Side Lynn Creek to Kennedy Falls This is a new route that will lead us to several exceptionally large trees, a grove of ancient cedars and to Kennedy Falls. The route is marked but is a somewhat rough trail so bring hiking poles and make sure your boots are waterproof. And since it is on the mountains of the north shore there will be lots of up as well as slightly up elevation gain. The leaders will attempt to reconnoiter this route before we do it so may have more details. About 4 ½ hours duration. Meet at 9:30 at the end of Mountain Highway. Note parking regulations and park below Coleman Street.
Leaders: Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391


HIKE Jane Lakes via the Black Tusk Microwave Tower Road.   Another new trail for most but reportedly fairly gentle. Depending on how many of the lakes we wish to see (and if we want to do a car at separate ends) the trip can range from 5 – 6 1/2 hours (Note this is an estimate – data available on distance and only general for time in Jack Christies’s Whistler book – although he does give route direction.) Meet at 8:30 at St. David’s Church for car pooling. Call by Friday night. Leaders: Aileen Stalker and Tony Keen 604-734-9391


CYCLE  Pitt Polder A scenic ride along dikes and roads with a stop for lunch at beautiful Pitt Lake. About 30 km and all flat. Meet at 10:00 am at the parking lot on Harris Road immediately south of the Allouette River Bridge. From Lougheed Hwy turn left on Dewdney Trunk Road just east of Pitt River Bridge and turn left again on Harris Road. Call by Friday night.
Leader: Maggie Doughty (604) 922-7699

JULY 2013

HIKE Lindsay Lake (Buntzen Lake Area) This hike has a steep beginning but once on the ridge has been reached the terrain rises and falls as we explore many small lakes before reaching Lindsey Lake. This trail can be done as a loop trail at the top part but you will descend the same way as you ascended. Round trip 15 km, time about 6 hours, elevation gain 1020 metres. Meet at 9:00 at Buntzen Lake parking lot. Call by Friday night.
Leader: Sue Penfold 604-943-6822


CYCLE The Poco Trail.
Meet at Colony Farm parking lot at 10.00am and bike the circle route of the Poco Trail that leads us along three rivers with a possible lunch stop at the Hyde Cfreek Hatchery.
I would like to limit this group to no more than 10 riders. Contact your leader to confirm no later than Friday evening

Leader: Cliff Kelsey 604- 941-2957

SOCIAL Bard on the Beach (Twelfth Night)
Followed by Bard on the Barbie – a barbecue at the Kinney’s home. Book your own ticket for Bard on the Beach at 604-739-0559 ( We recommend doing this early as it is the only matinee of Twelfth Night. Let Maureen know if you will bring an appie, salad or dessert, meat and veggie burgers are provided. Members are welcome to come just for the social event.
Hosts: Pat and Maureen Kinney 604- 263- 4579

No planned hike
- see mid-week hikes instead. Individuals could join for either of the one day hikes but must let leaders know that they are coming and be prepared to be there for the agreed starting time.

HIKE Palmers Pond Coquihalla.
Another overnight camping trip, this time at Jacobson Lake Forestry Camp Site. Jacobson Lake is 45 kms down the Tulameen FS road from Coquihalla Lake exit (easy 2 wheel road). Day 1 we will hike up to Palmers Pond via Conglomerate Flats. This is a fairly easy round trip of approx 10 kms.
 HIKE we will hike out towards Horse Camp and then return, going as far as we want before turning around. If we want to we can always walk into Little Douglas Lake which is on the other side of the Coquihalla on the way home. Meet at Whatcom at 8:00 am.
Leaders: Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310

HIKE High Falls Creek (Squamish)
This is Peter’s favourite hike so from time to time the trip planners let him lead it. (Jack Christie says this is a hike not to be missed so Peter feels affirmed in his star rating.) After a steep beginning, this scenic hike winds along High Falls Creek and has views of Tricouni, Cloudburst and Squamish River Valley on the way back down a logging road. Round Trip 12 km. Elevation gain 640 m. Allow 5 hours. Meet at Upper Levels St. David’s church at 8:30 am. Call by Friday night.
Leader: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234


CYCLE East Richmond/New Westminster.
Meet at Richmond Nature Park at 10.00am to cycle through the farmlands of East Richmond and the Middle Arm of the Fraser River. Bring a picnic lunch to eat on the banks of the North Fraser River. The distance is 25/30 kms, no elevation gain except over the highway.
There is one busy section along Westminster Hwy and about 4.5kms of packed gravel. Call by Friday for details and confirmation

Leader: Judith Pilley 604 255-6836

HIKE Hannigan Pass (Mount Baker)
An "old dependable" in the Baker area (100 Hikes in North Cascades National Park Region, 3rd. ed.). Pretty easy 13 km (RT) to Hannegan Pass and 16 km (RT) to Hannegan Peak. The first section follows the gradual rise of Ruth creek (with close-up views across the valley to the imposing Nooksack Cirque mountains and snow covered Mt. Ruth in the distance) to a cozy camp ground, then rises to the pass at 6.5 km/610 meters gain. Another 1.5 km/335 meters higher is Hannegan peak with spectacular views of Mt. Baker, Shuksan, and Ruth one way, and the Canadian Peaks opposite. This hike regularly produces bear sightings, but they're well behaved and a treat to observe. Meet Rick Krouskop at the Glacier Ranger Station at 9:00am. BRING PASSPORTS AND MEDICAL INSURANCE. Call by Friday night.
Leader – Rick Krouskop 1- 360-603-4008


HIKE Third Peak Mount Seymour
Note: this hike is on Saturday to allow the Sunday and Monday holidays to be used for other events that might require two days. A local favourite, this hike can be very hot and dry on a sunny day. Bring a lot of water! The trail leads you up steep slopes and around large rocks. It will be the leader’s choice whether to go via Mystery Lake but be assured of panoramic views from any of the three peaks. Round trip is 9 km Elevation gain of 450 metres, high point on third peak is 1453 metres, time about 5 hours. Meet in the Mount Seymour parking lot at 9:00. Call by Friday night.
Leader: Sue Penfold 604-943-6822


CYCLE The Secret Garden, Maple Beach and Boundary Bay
Meet at the new Boundary Bay Airport parking lot at 10.00am to cycle 30kms of scenic Tsawwassen via the dyke. Bring a picnic lunch to eat at the beach. Call by Friday night to confirm.
Leader: Isla steele 604 273-1487

SATURDAY - MONDAY AUGUST 10-12 Saturday, Sunday and Monday night Camping at Manning Park.
Two sites are reserved at Lightning Lakes Contact leaders well in advance if you want to share one of these sites. Others may want to stay at the Lodge – it is open for business this summer.
HIKE Crossover from Three Brothers Trail Fat Dog
Sunday we will start from the Blackwall Peak parking lot and head out on the trail towards the Three Brothers Mountain at which point we will leave the trail (but we will not get lost) and wind our way down to Fat Dog Creek to arrive at our destination in Cambie Creek where we will have cleverly left a car so drivers can return to get the cars left at Blackwell. Round trip 16 km. Elevation gain 1500 ft. Time 5 ½ to 6 hours

HIKE – to be decided

Leaders Sandra and Doug Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310


CYCLE Strathcona and Chinatown to Lakewood.
Please note this is a SATURDAY cycle not Sunday.
Meet at 10.00am at 8th Avenue and Yukon Street. We will cycle via Science World through the streets of Chinatown, past heritage homes and several points of interest to Uprising Bakery. Bring your lunch or purchase from the bakery. Then continue along Lakewood before returning to our meeting place. Approx. 30kms. Contact leader by Friday if you plan to attend.

Leader: Shirley McCall 604- 738- 1989

SOCIAL Back Yard Barbecue
This has always been a popular evening at Canby and Arn’s, rain or shine! It’s an opportunity to admire their vegetable garden and Arn’s workshop and of course chat and indulge in our creative dishes and share recipes. Bring your own protein for the BBQ and an appetizer, salad, or dessert to share. Call host to confirm your participation.
Hosts: Canby and Arn – 604- 731 8420

HIKE Whistler Peak to Peak and the Musical Bumps
A big winner last year when we did the Blackcomb Mountain trails, this year we will take the Gondola up to the Roundhouse and return to the familiarity of Whistler terrain. We will make the hills come alive with the sound of music as we hike to the low bumps/summits of Piccalo, Flute and Oboe and beyond for those who wish (19 km round trip right to Singing Pass but we can turn back at any of the smaller summits.) The Peak to Peak Gondola can be an added excitement for those who have never done it. Meet at St. David’s church at 8:00 for car pooling. Call by Friday night. If you buy the tickets on line the cost for seniors is $35.95 for the gondola up (and down) and the Peak to Peak gondola.
Leaders: Tony Keen and Aileen Stalker 604-734-9391

HIKE Brandywine Falls
A fairly short steep hike with modest elevation gain to a pristine alpine valley. If it is hot, access to the mountain stream should keep everyone cool. If the snow stays late the alpine flowers may still be in bloom. Heaven! Elevation gain 500 metres Distance Round trip 7 km. Time 4 hours. Meet at Upper Levels St. David’s Church at 8:00 am. Call by Friday night.
Leader: Larry Burton 604-277-6951