Thursday, March 14, 2013


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates

Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants

1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”


The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

Safety Equipment.

Cars transporting passengers to snowy/icy destinations should have proper emergency equipment. This should include at a minimum, a flashlight and batteries, a shovel, a tow rope/chain, bag of sand (or some means of adding traction), emergency blanket and first aid kit. (There may be other things that could be added to this list or be optional including candle and matches, axe/saw, food/water etc).

MARCH 2013
SKI/SNOWSHOE Callahan Valley, Whistler- Meet at St David’s Church in West Vancouver and leave at 8.30 am. We carpool from there. Superb trails for cross-country skiing and snowshoeing at every level of ability. Trail tickets are $22, snowshoe tickets are $14. If there are 10 or more of us in a group (ski or snowshoe) we get a 15% reduction. Or tickets can be purchased online, no HST.
Contact and leader: Sandra Farenholtz 1 604 855 3310

SNOWSHOE Hollyburn Snowshoe Trails. Come and explore these intriguing trails. You can stop at Hollyburn Lodge for a hot drink, food or even a beer. Trail tickets are $10, $8 for seniors. Meet at the ticket office at 10 am.
Contact and leader: Jim Pearson 604 946 5497

CYCLE East Richmond/New Westminster -Meet at Richmond Nature Park at 10.00am to cycle through the farm lands of East Richmond and the middle arm of the Fraser River. Bring a picnic lunch to eat on the banks of the North Fraser River. The distance is 25/30 kms, no elevation gain except over the highway. There is one busy section along Westminster Hwy and about 4.5kms of packed gravel.Call by Friday if you plan to participate Leader: Judith Pilley 604-255-6836

SKI/SNOWSHOE Cheakamus Lake, Whistler – Meet at St David’s Church in West Vancouver and leave at 8.30 am. We carpool from there. The lake is 3 km inside the western boundary of Garibaldi Provincial Park. The trail continues along the northern shore with views across the lake to the McBride Range and glaciers in the park. Contact and leader: Jim Pearson 604 946 5497

SOCIAL Slide Show Last year Pathfinders Ann and Dick, Jan and Rick and Carole travelled to Tanzania for a Ramblers trip titled “From the Serengeti to Zanzibar”. Spend an evening with them as they show photos and reminisce about the people, the landscape and the wildlife. Seating is limited so call Ann and Dick early to ensure a spot. Bring your own drinks and nibbles to share. Contact : Ann and Dick Reiner 604- 448 -9036

SNOWSHOE Fat Dog Mountain, Manning Park – We will leave Tim Horton’s at the Whatcom Road exit on Highway # 1 at 8.30 am. We will carpool from there. This is a fairly challenging climb of about 800 metres. Distance 14 km round trip
Contact and leader: Doug Farenholtz 1- 604-855-3310

CYCLE Queen Elizabeth Park to UBC - A loop ride from Queen Elizabeth park to UBC, about 22 km. (can be made longer if participants wish) Call leader for exact meeting spot. Leader: Carol Jacques 604-526-6966

SNOWSHOE Needle Peak, Coquihalla – We will leave Tim Horton’s at the Whatcom Road exit on Highway #1 at 8.30 am. We will carpool from there. A steep climb through trees at the beginning is followed by an undulating ridge with superb views.
Contact and leader: Tony Keen 604 -734-9391

APRIL 2013

SOCIAL Last Chance- Bowling at the Ridge! - The Ridge is closing shortly after our visit. This will be the last opportunity to have a fun evening at the Ridge bowling. We have reserved 4 lanes (24 people) from 7:30 onwards for Pathfinders. Arrive early to form your teams and rent your shoes. Cost is $2:50 for shoe rental and $10:25 for two games for seniors. Not bad for two hours or fun, activity and entertainment. Beer wine and pops are available for purchase and simple refreshments e.g. hot dogs, nachos, chips plus foods from vending machines. Call Judith and Syd to reserve your spot.
Leader: Judith Pilley 604 -255 -6836

SNOWSHOE Calcheak to Brandywine Falls, Whistler – We will leave St David’s Church at 8.30 am and carpool from there. This is an easy trail, suitable for everyone.
Contact and leader: Aileen Stalker 604 -734- 9391

CYCLE We’ll ride Richmond dyke loop, with fish and chips in Steveston. Meet at Dick and Ann’s, #2-6360 Lynas Lane. Lots of parking on the street.
Leaders: Ann & Dick Reiner 604-448-9036

SNOWSHOE Mount Zoa, Coquihalla – We will leave Tim Horton’s at the Whatcom Rd exit on Highway #1 at 8.30 am. We will carpool from there. This is a fairly challenging climb of about 850 metres and a round trip of 10 km.
Contact and leaders: Doug and Sandra Farenholtz 1 604 855 3310

CYCLE PLANETARIUM - We will meet at the Planetarium, Vanier Park, at 10:00am. We cycle east under Burrard bridge, on a cycle path, and bypass Granville Island. Staying on the Seaside Bicycle Route we pass . the Olympic Village and Science World, then along the shore right to Stanley Park. We follow the Seawall cycle path going counter clockwise around Stanley Park, back to the Seaside Bicycle Route and across Burrard St. Bridge, which takes us back to the Planetarium. The distance is about 25K. The Planetarium now has pay parking but there is on street parking close by, just look out for 'residents only' parking. Lunches are optional as we will be in the West End but if it is a nice day, lunch in Stanley Park would be good.  
Leaders: Margaret & John 604-222-0779

SNOWSHOE Hollyburn Mountain – Meet at the snowshoe/cross-country ticket office at 10 am, but do not buy tickets. We will not need them. This is a fairly steep climb to begin with, then up to the top of the mountain for lunch. We may be able to bum-ski some of the way down.
Contact and leader: Larry Burton 604 277 6951

HIKE Campbell Valley Park – Meet at 10 am. Enter at 204th St and 8th Ave and park at first parking lot on left. If we circumnavigate the park on the Shaggy Mane trail, distance is 11 km, but shorter options are available. This is an easy hike in gently rolling countryside. Horses have right of way!
Contact and leader: Sue Penfold 604 943 6822

MAY 2013

HIKE Minnekhada Regional Park – Meet in the parking lot at 10 am. This former estate northwest of Port Coquitlam has a variety of trails including a miniature mountain and a viewing pavilion with a wide outlook over the Pitt River valley.
Contact and leader: Alan Toon 604 263 6268
 CYCLE Fort Langley - This is an approximate 35km. cycle which is flat except for a couple of gentle hills. We will meet at the Derby Reach Regional Park at 10.00am. Bring a picnic lunch for a stop by the river at Glen Valley Park. Return to Fort Langley for ice cream. Contact leader by Friday if you plan to attend. Leader: Sharon Annesley 604-214-9461

SOCIAL POT LUCK DINNER It’s time to get together to do what we do best, meet, chat and eat. Jack and Muriel have volunteered to host this so call them to reserve your spot and arrange your contribution to the menu.
Hosts.  Muriel Groves and Jack Cridland.  (604) 263-7346

HIKE Smoke Bluffs Park, Squamish – Meet in the coffee shop of the Adventure Centre in Squamish. When you get to the traffic signal at the entrance to Squamish, turn right and park in the large open space on the right opposite the adventure centre. The hike is about 13 km, and an easy grade except for some steeper pieces during a 20 minute ascent to the lunch spot and view. Call leader for meet times.
Contact and leader: Alan Toon 604 263 6268

HIKE Lakeview Trail, Buntzen Lake – This jewel of a lake was called “Lake Beautiful” until it was renamed for a power company official. Meet at south end of the third (west) parking lot at 10 am. We will cross a floating bridge to the west side of the lake, and then follow an undulating trail to the end of the lake. We can return by a lower trail on the same side or by the east side of the lake.
Contact and leader: Larry Burton 604 -277- 6951

CYCLE Point Roberts.  Easy Bike Ride around the perimeter roads of Point Roberts with lunch at Light House Marine Park.
Bring Passport. Meet at Diefenbaker Park, 5579 First Street, Tswwassen at 10:00 AM
Leader: David Parsk 604-929-1257

ANNUAL CLUB PICNIC Deas Island Park – We can exercise in the morning and eat and socialise in the afternoon. The club will provide food and we’ll be asking for volunteers to help put the barbecue together. Call by May 21 so that we know how many to cater for. New feature this year: Hat competition!! Yes, at lunch time we (both women and men) swap our biking helmets or hiking hats for something wild and crazy – and the social committee will have judges on hand to name the most avant-garde hat.  
Contact: Alan Toon 604 -263 -6268
WALK Deas Island Park – a walk from the picnic site, leaving at 10 am. Contact and leader: t.b.a  
CYCLE - Meet at the picnic site ( west end) at 10.00am. This 25km cycle is on paved secondary roads, safely crossing Highway 99 and down 64th towards the dyke, cutting off on 34B and returning to the Park in time for lunch. Contact leader by Friday if you will cycle that day. 
Leader: Isla Steele 604-273-1487