Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Please note that Pathfinders Events are open to members in good standing who have completed an application and release form. Guests accompanying a member do so at their own risk.

Car Pool Rates
Out of town, more than an hour away, $20.00. Local, less than one hour away, $10.00.

Pathfinders Guidelines for Participants
1) Phone the trip leader by the Friday before the trip. If you must cancel, do so in plenty of time.
2) Obtain information from the leader to determine if the trip is within your capabilities.
3) Make sure your boots, clothing and equipment are appropriate for the activity.
4) Stay with the group. Make sure the leader or end-person knows where you are at all times, even if you simply step off the trail to answer “nature’s call”

The BC Provincial Motor Vehicle Act says:-
1)Wear a bicycle helmet of an approved standard.
2)Ride single file on busy roads or highways.
3)Don’t ride on sidewalks unless otherwise posted.
4)Obey crosswalks.
5)Use hand signals for turns, stopping or slowing down.
6)Ride on the right unless turning left or traveling through an intersection with the traffic, where you stay to the right in the through lane.
The Pathfinders also say - Please carry tools and an extra bicycle tube!

ADVANCE NOTICE – David Parsk is planning a three day bicycle trip to Victoria sometime in the fall. Accomodation will need to be organized, so if you are interested, be sure to give David a call at 604-929-1257.


HIKE The Trails BC Challenge
for further information and start times and meeting places.
Leaders: There is a cost for this hike/bike and it is self-led on the designated routes. There are rides back to the beginning and snacks provided as well as an opportunity to learn more about Trails BC.
CONTACT Alan Toon at 604- 263-6268 if you plan to participate so that we can possibly get a group rate.

HIKE Kulshan Ridge Mount Baker
Something novel - a summer snowshoe hike. This hike will start where the snow ends on the way to Artist’s Point . Views of Mount Shuksan to the east and Mount Baker to the west will provide wonderful pictures as we slosh through the snow to Huntoon Point. Depending on where we park this hike could be as short as 6 km round trip or longer. There is little elevation gain so it is a trip suitable for most hikers. Remember to bring your passport and health insurance. Meet at the Ranger Station in Glacier at 9:00.
LEADER: Rick Krouscop 360-305-9928


This 40 km ride with few hills, starts in Burnaby and takes us along lovely residential streets
and park trails in the Fraser foreshore areas of Burnaby and South Vancouver. We will be
stopping in one of the Fraser foreshore parks for a bag lunch.
Meet at 10:00 a.m. in the parking lot in Central Park at the corner of Boundary Rd and 46th
Ave, Burnaby.
Leaders: Carole Jacques 604-526-6966

HIKE Othello Tunnels
This is a wonderful round trip of approx 15 kms starting on the Kettle Valley trail outside of Hope. We then traverse over the historic Nicola Valley Trail descending to the Coquihalla river where given favourable conditions we can have lunch on the beach before going through the tunnels (bring flash lights) and then walk back along the Kettle Valley Trail to where we left our cars.
Meet at Tim Hortons (Whatcom Road Ext Hwy 1) 9.00
LEADERS: Doug & Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310

HIKE Pubs and shrubs of Galiano
A club favourite this year Pubs and Shrubs of Galiano will be a combined trip of the Swiss Club and the Pathfinders. The date on a Wednesday will mean that the majority of people will not have to pay ferry fare. Contact Alan for times and ferry information.
LEADER: Alan Toon 604-263-6238 for Pathfinders

HIKE Bellingham Ramble
This is a hike in progress and we will have to check it out before giving details. However, we will do a low level hike in the Bellingham area. Remember to bring your passport and health insurance.
Leaders: Doug & Sandra Farenholtz 1-604-855-3310


This approximately 35 km cycle is pretty much on the flat with a couple of gentle hills. We’ll
meet at Derby Reach Regional Park, have a picnic lunch by the river at Glen Valley Park
and return to Fort Langley for ice cream. Call by Friday if attending.
Leader: Sharon Annesley 604-214-9461

SATURDAY June 30 NOTE SATURDAY. SOCIAL - BARD ON THE BEACH. We will go to the 3pm matinee of the Bard on the Beach performance of “The Taming of the Shrew” and follow it up with a potluck dinner at the Kinneys. We did this last year with great success. You can order your own tickets, and sit where you like by phoning 604-739-0559 or online at For the dinner, bring an appetizer, main course, salad or dessert, we will top it up with gourmet pizza, courtesy of the club. Meet at 1.45 at Kinneys’ house to drop off our food, we will then carpool to the Theatre. Contact – Ann Reiner (604)-448-09036


SUNDAY JULY 1 No hike this Sunday – enjoy our national holiday and celebrate in your own community or on Granville Island where music, games and fun are available all day long

HIKE Cougar Divide Mount Baker
Another summer snowshoe for at least part of the hike. Cougar Divide is "middle of road difficulty", with option to go further (and higher, to Chowder Ridge) if the party or part of the party wishes. First lunch stop is an easy 4 hour/8K round trip from trailhead. This ridge is similar to Skyline Divide, but is shorter overall, ending at the foot of Chowder Ridge. Remember to bring your passport and health insurance. Meet at the Ranger Station in Glacier at 9:00.
LEADER: Rick Krouscop 360-305-9928

We cycle along three different rivers – the Allouette, the Pitt and the Fraser. Distance is about 35 km. Beautiful vistas abound. Meet at 10 am at the parking lot on Harris Road immediately south of the Alouette River Bridge. You can get to Harris Road from the Lougheed Highway. Call by Friday evening for details and confirmation. Leaders: Dick and Ann Reiner (604)448-9036


Let`s have a wander around Southlands, looking at the horses and (hopefully!) enjoying a nice summer evening in the company of friends. Then we will choose a place to enjoy dessert and coffee (or something more if you choose!).

Contact: Alan Toon (604) 263-6268

HIKE Stawamus Squaw
In an attempt to wean Peter away from his favourite hike of High Falls he has agreed to lead this local hike. This is the less visited peak overlooking Squamish and without the death defying precipices. Hike the area so you can say you have done all the peaks on foot to those who ride the (proposed) gondola. Round trip 14.5 km. with 610 elevation gain Time allow 5.5 hours. Meet at the parking lot at Shannon Falls at 9:00 and we will probably ferry over to the base of the Chieftain campground/parking lot.
LEADER: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

HIKE St. Mark’s Lookout
On this route, walk part of the route of the Baden Powell trail to Horseshoe Bay and get a reward of a view over Howe Sound after modest elevation gain. For an extra climb some may want to continue on up Unnecessary Mountain. Distance 11 km Elevation gain 460 m. Meet at the Cypress Mountain downhill ski parking lot at 9:30.
LEADER : Bob Spencer 604-980-2187


This approximately 25 km cycle starts at Colony Farm Regional Park and community
gardens, and includes trails along the Coquitlam River, Hyde Creek and Pitt River, at
times cycling through residential areas and urban parks. The trip is mostly flat with one
section along the highway shoulder. Meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Colony Farm parking lot at
the south end of Colony Farm road, which is accessed off the Lougheed Hwy.
Leader: Cliff Kelsey 604-941-2957

HIKE Levette and Hut Lake
Many of you have hiked the wooded path to Levette Lake (an easy round trip of XX km) and enjoyed a fresh water swim but this hike offers two levels – go to Levette and sit in the sun or swim or join those who chose to hike another 90 minutes to Hut Lake and visit another part of BC never before seen by most of the Pathfinders. Round trip12 kilometres, elevation gain 800 feet (240 metres)to Levette Lake Time - allow 5 hours. Meet at the St. David’s Church at 8:30
LEADER: Trudy Vanderburg 604-263-4174

SUNDAY AUGUST 5 (BC day Weekend)
HIKE Mount Seymour third peak
To avoid long ferry line-ups and crazy highways (BC Day Weekend) we will hike locally. A local favourite, both winter and summer, this hike can be very hot and dry on a sunny day. Bring a lot of water! The trail leads you up steep slopes and around large rocks. It will be the leader’s choice whether to go via Mystery Lake but be assured of panoramic views from any of the three peaks. Round trip is 9 km Elevation gain of 450 metres, high point on third peak is 1453 metres, time about 5 hours. Meet in the Mount Seymour parking lot at 9:00.
LEADER Sue Penfold 604-943-6822


This is a fascinating ride to view historic and interesting sites mostly in East Vancouver (rumour is there might be ice cream involved) 25 km or more – your choice. Phone your leader for time and place.
Leader: Shirley McCall 604-738-1989

HIKE Campbell Lake
We tried it last year and made it to the lookout before turning back because of heat?/snow?/ lack of perseverance? So let’s see if we can get further this year The hike involves a steady walk upwards on an old logging road, through tall timber to a helipad (where you can ask for heli pick up for the way back) and then on to the lake.
Round trip 9 km. Elevation gain 700 metres (2290 ft). Time - about 5 hours. Meet at Whatcom Road at 8:30 for car pooling.
LEADER: Peter Phillips 604-732-4234

. - 7.00 p.m.
Sue Penfold has offered to host a pot-luck supper at her house in Tsawwassen. Whilst enjoying a delicious Pathfinder meal, you can look out over the ocean and enjoy a fabulous sunset. Sue has access to the beach, so you can take a little stroll after dinner and walk off some of those calories! Sounds great. As usual, call to let me know what you plan to bring. BYOB.
CONTACT  Sue Penfold 604-943-6822

HIKE Either Mount Eliphistone or Knob 2 trail at Gibsons on Sunshine Coast
A decision will be made by the leaders after reconnoitering these hikes. No need to bring a car – Tony and Aileen will take people to the start and back for the ferry at the end of the hike.
The hike will start at 10:00 so catch the 9:40 ferry Horseshoe Bay to Langdale to arrive at 10:30 am
LEADERS Tony and Aileen 604-734-9391 or Tony’s cell 9604-307-1395 after August 14th

HIKE Mount Baker Surprise
Similar to last year we will arrive at the Ranger Station at 8:30 and decide what route to take based on snow conditions and trail openings. Remember to bring your passport and health insurance. Meet at the Ranger Station in Glacier at 9:00
LEADER: Sabina Harpe 604- 737-4837


This 22 km cycle (with some hills) winds through towering forests with plenty of viewpoints. Bring lunch. Leave Hwy 1 at exit 22 and drive north on Lillooet Road to its end at the lower Seymour Conservation Reserve parking area. Meet at 10:00 am in the parking lot at Rice Lake. Call by Saturday for details and confirmation.
Leader: David Parsk 604-929-1257

 - 6.30 p.m.
The Wednesday walking group know this restaurant well, since we have been there for lunch a couple of times. The menu is Hungarian and the food is delicious. So we are planning to go there for dinner - you can view the menu at The address is 3701 Hastings Street, Burnaby. Call me by Friday 24th August to reserve.
Contact: June Pearson - (604) 946-5497